1. Difficult-Way-9563 on

    College is intimidating enough. I can’t imagine going to college with SS escorts 24/7 on campus.

  2. Better keep eyes on him. Apple don’t fall far from the tree. Just ask those other three thieving Spawns, who stole from sick Children

  3. Powerful_Check735 on

    I wonder if he just like his father , and one of his teachers calls him one of the dumbest students he ever had my bet he is

  4. Any_Construction1238 on

    Good – he is. It’s a shame NYU let a Trump in. The family is a bunch of grotesque liars and grifters.

  5. Outrageous-Divide725 on

    I’m withholding judgment on this kid. It’s not his fault he was born into the Trump family.

    He will either be a decent person or he’ll be like his father and brothers. Only time will tell, and I’ll make my judgment then.

  6. PassengerNo1233 on

    Rotten apples don’t fall far from the Trump tree, mostly because there aren’t many branches.

  7. Seems like a reputable news source….with reputable anonymous sources who appear to be completely unbiased and trustworthy. Couple that with the person they are disparaging just happens to be the son of the #1 enemy of every liberal in the country….yep definitely believe these idiots