Below, the press statement of the prosecutor’s office, through spokesperson Sadîc Zafer. I have to admit, it’s among the worst statements I’ve ever heard, they basically incriminate themselves and admit their incompetence. Well, at least let them do that too…
Several investigations were made and the defendant was one of the persons included in the circle of suspects at a given time. After several checks, technical surveillance measures were instituted so that during the technical surveillance of the defendant, we were able to figure out the day he committed the second act”, explained the prosecutor. It was an initial file. The first victim was killed on July 2. Her disappearance was made public about ten days after that time. The first woman is from Tulcea county, the second woman is from Timiş county. The woman was reported missing only 10 days later. In those ten days we carried out investigations. She was identified, it was determined who she is, they determined who were the last people she came into contact with, including the defendant. And with the second deed, it was not very difficult to make the connection, because it caused the accident with the victim’s car”, Sadic Zafer added.
If he was still a suspect since the first crime, what did the police and the prosecutor’s office do for two months?? You have a suspect from the beginning (probably they saw the victim’s calls from the last days before she was killed), you take surveillance measures (as they themselves say at one point), that one has the victim’s car and belongings, he sells the belongings unimpeded, the car is actually resold several times and taken to Bulgaria and after two months it passes to the next victim!!
My question is, if the police and the prosecutor’s office had done their job, would the second crime have taken place? I say no, which meant they were moral accomplices in the second crime!!
They also use words like the suspect was fluent, we suspect he was trying to stage someone else’s crimes… Blah blah blah! That’s an idiot motherfucker, stop trying to make him smart just to give the impression that you worked, but that one was agile too!
You were on leprosy vacation, you hurt in the rain and now you have to cover your incompetence! Shame on the criminals!
Posted by Leading_Bison_5948
Siguranță și încredere. 🚓
Am vazut investigatii mai serioase pe 4chan
Caracal all over again… Politia stia ce si cum, dar au preferat sa mai astepte…
Ok, o sa-si dea demisia seful politiei, care oricum e numit politic in functie ca si celelalte trei sferturi din sefii de ipj, pentru ca daca ar fi sa dea concurs nu ar reusi sa obtina note de trecere. Dupa 6-9 luni, seful care isi da demisia o sa fie numit consul, probabil, intr-o tara exotica, pe 10000 euro lunar, paza permanenta, autoturism cu girofar si locuinta de protocol pentru intreaga familie in cel mai bun cartier din respectivul oras plus prime lunare de relocare de valoare variabila, intre 5000-25000 euro pentru intreaga familie. Daca nu stiati, asta s-a intamplat cu fostul sef al politiei cta, gluga, care la aproximativ un an dupa tragedia din vama veche, cand beizadeaua unui sociopat a fost gasit drogat si beat de catre politai iar acestia nu i-au facut nimic la indicatiile celor de la conducerea ipj si la cateva cateva minute a omorat acei copii. Ei bine, la nici un an, gluga a fost numit ilegal si fara concurs consul in Pakistan. Eu am inteles demult ca asta este normalitatea unui stat mafiot si fac toate eforturile sa plec de aici impreuna cu familia mea. Va sfatuiesc sa luati in calcul plecarea pentru ca eu, la 44 de ani, va pot spune ca lucrurile vor merge din ce in ce mai rau in tara asta si va fi doar o chestiune de ori esti ca ei si cu ei ori esti norocos sa supravietuiesti fara ca tu sau cineva apropiat tie sa cada victima statului mafiot intr-un fel sau altul. Eu am pierdut doua persoane dragi mie intr-un spital judetean corupt, in care culmea, chiar lucram la acea vreme, pentru ca pe medici ii durea in pula de pacienti si cu cinism aruncau responsabilitatea de la unul la altul sau pur si simplu nu isi dadeau interesul sa isi faca meseria pentru ca era sectia prea ocupata si ei erau nervosi si obositi.
O secție de politie Ro are in întregime un IQ echivalent al lui Elmer J. Fudd
Doar au acel slogan: Siguranta si Incredere. Bullshit