Scottish alcohol deaths at 15-year high

Posted by Mein_Bergkamp


  1. Alarmed-Incident9237 on

    And the SNP have been in power for 17 years. Is this a coincidence?

    For supposedly being the only good, wholesome, patriotic people in Scotland they are doing a great job of killing us off with alcohol and drugs.

  2. Good to see the SNP policy of making alcohol more expensive, and banning deals in bars like 2-1. Have had a wonderful impact.

    You see, the icky poor people dont know whats good for them. And they were out buying the few things they could afford as a luxury in life. Good old Nicola put a stop to it and now they cannot afford as much alcohol. Of course the rich just do as they wish, they dont need help, theyre not poor.

    Looks like the whole thing was utter bollocks!

  3. It always makes me laugh how quick people are to call out smoking as incredibly dangerous but never really discuss how dangerous alcohol and how the UK as a whole has a massive drinking problem.

  4. Legalise cannabis.

    Watch the deaths go down as people have easy access to an alternative that won’t kill you quite as much.

  5. Substantial-Elk-9568 on

    I’ve lived in Scotland for 10 years and it’s for sure a hard drinking culture.

    But if I’m being honest back home (Northern Ireland) feels like an even more extreme drinking culture than here. I gave up drinking 14 months ago and I get less grief for it in Scotland than back home.

    Scotland’s larger issue from what I can observe seems to be cocaine. They certainly love it more here than what I see back home. Of course my experience may not be representative of a whole nation.

  6. CardiffCity1234 on

    Here come the centrists butthurt that the Scottish dared to vote someone other than right wing tory/Labour.

  7. The USSR had a real hard alcohol problem. Once things got better, beer became more popular than vodka.

  8. We have been overdue for a drug policy review for years. Alcohol must be restricted to a greater extent and other substances must be decriminalised. The current system only favours criminalisation, marginalisation, alcohol abuse, and, evidently, death.

  9. I assume there’s a cohort of middle-aged people who have survived long enough to have long-term health problems who are now succumbing to it.

    What would be great is if the BBC would actually partake in some investigative journalism so we can actually be informed on this.

  10. Consistent-Client401 on

    Well, 15 years ago was 2009, right after a recession. Poverty has to be a huge factor for this