Covid lockdown sped up ageing in teenage brains, study finds


  1. ***The Telegraph reports:***

    Covid lockdown sped up ageing in the brains of teenagers, a study has found.

    [Lockdown restrictions]( and limited socialising are being blamed for accelerating the rate at which the [brains of teenagers]( underwent a process called cortical thinning.

    The thinning is a natural process that happens with age and can be accelerated by stress.

    [Girls ]( more severely affected, data show, with their brain ageing 4.2 years more over the course of the [pandemic ]( what would normally be expected, compared to 1.4 years for boys.

    Adversity in early life is known to speed up cortical thinning in adolescents and it has been linked to an increased risk of neuropsychiatric and [behavioural disorders ]( as [anxiety ]( depression.

    A study in 2018 recruited 160 young people between nine and 17 years old and conducted scans to analyse the composition of their brain.

    The Covid pandemic derailed the initial plan to learn about normal [cognitive development]( in childhood so the project pivoted to using the pre-Covid data to analyse the neurological effect of lockdown.

    **Read more:** [****](

  2. I was on call 24/7 for 2.5 years for contact tracing in my community as a volunteer while doing my PhD full time. I’ll show you aging.

  3. SiberianKhatru278 on

    Cry me a river. What a bunch of pathetically needy little twits. People need to learn how to be alone. Frankly, I miss social distancing and folks not being allowed to spread germs everywhere.

  4. UnpluggedUnfettered on

    It is also probably a coincidence that there was a [25% to 33% in domestic violence]( during the pandemic lockdown. Also that children are well known to show exactly this sort of brain change when under the stresses of abuse.

    I’m sure it’s just being inside and not going to work that was bad for everyone though.

    Thankfully, there’s nothing anyone can do about it except never ever stay inside during a pandemic again.

  5. Right, the lockdown…. not the actual coronavirus, which has been shown to affect nearly every organ. Including…surprise! The brain.