I understand that many things have improved over the centuries. But what curse or tax (not to dramatize it too much) has a citizen who will simply go to a market – to buy the essential things to live – and is raped listening to these kinds of noises (or music as they call it some) high volume carcinogens?
The market in question is Big Market, I don’t know if their entire chain is like that. It impresses me how most places have turned into discotheques: gyms, shops, markets, etc. I understand that the workers want to postpone the time, but a standard must be maintained without harming and annoying the customers.
Neyse, I hope that a lesser day will come for the people in this jungle.
Posted by sieshte
Leka, leka, leka, it’s a rich man’s world
[In-store music makes supermarket shoppers spend more – but only on weekdays](https://www.bath.ac.uk/announcements/in-store-music-makes-supermarket-shoppers-spend-more-but-only-on-weekdays/)
Do thuash “jo, nuk ka efekt ne mua” 🙂 ashtu thon te gjith.
apo sshko ene radio fix, isoj si burim ademi te knga
as mua seshte se me pelqejne keto keng por shumica e robve i degjojne ose thjesht se mendojne kaq gjat
ti ke shkuar tblesh ca ke me ble e te dalesh sbesoj se po te lidh njeri aty ta ngjosh muziken
secili ka qef muziken e vet po sbesoj se do mvej njeri vamp anthem t playboi cartit nderkoh qe blej detergjend
Ndodh shume shpesh. Me ta shpif
Jane per punetoret jo per ty.
Se kuptova per ca e ke per kamerat apo qekan vu veren lart te te bjere kokes dhe pastaj ta paguash
Ska më Partia Punes vella. Jeton ne kapitalizm/individualizm, ste pelqeu aty tek ai privat, shko diku tjeter. Ai robi mbase e ben per te terhequr nje klientel te caktuar per arsye te ndryshme, (psh mbase ne mendjen e tij ai thot nese vendos muzik rinie, vijn te rinj qe shpenzojn, e jo njerez qe vetem ankohen per cdo gje e nuk harxhojn…e drejta tij). Ti nese do te rregullosh gje, shkruaj nje “constructive review” ne google per ate vend edhe mbase e shikon pronari edhe e permireson E them se ne e kemi si zakon vec ankohemi kshu kot ne tym e ne reddit.
Apo seshte keshtu?
t’i kisha vetem keto halle