The Elephant Trunk Nebula imaged from my suburban backyard


  1. I have only a little over 13 hours of data at F/3 using the Antlia ALP-T Ha/Oiii filter. I would like to get more data but think the returns will be minimal at best. I’ve just ordered the Altair Sii-Oiii dual band filter so I hope to add Sii data in the future.

    Scope: SW Quattro 250P w/Starizona Nexus .75x Reducer/CC
    Camera: ASI2600MC
    Filter: Antlia ALP-T
    Mount: CEM70
    Subs: 264 x 180s

    Stacked and processed in PixInsight
    * GC, BLX, STF Stretch, StarX
    * Stars: Increase Saturation
    * Starless: Adjust Sat, Chroma, contrast, black levels, RGB, and luminosity
    * PixelMath Stars and Starless

  2. Repulsive-Neat6776 on

    They really couldn’t come up with a better name?

    Never mind that, this is really cool! How do you capture a nebula?