The Cygnus region of our Milky Way, captured from dark skies


  1. AffectionateDrop2045 on

    I captured this a while ago from Pangong Tso, Ladakh, India. (Bortle 1). The red splotches in the image are H-Alpha nebulae. You can see quite a bit of them here. Given I was using a stock DSLR, I had relatively low expectations for this, as a stock DSLR can’t pick up the H-Alpha as well as a modified DSLR. I still managed to pull out the prominent H-alpha from Cygnus despite that. (Dark skies help)

    * Gear Used: Canon EOS 600D (Stock), Canon 28-80mm lens (Old film kit lens) , sturdy tripod
    * Settings: F/3.5, ISO 6400, 8sec shutter speed.
    * Integration: 10 minutes. 8x75seconds
    * Stacked In Sequator, SIRIL for background extraction and colour calibration, GIMP for post processing, Topaz AI denoise for denoising.