Spare a thought for these unfortunate people who just circled a windy Donegal Airport for half an hour, only to turn back to Dublin

Posted by DiagnosisKevin


  1. There isn’t a breath of wind in Donegal today. The windmills were standing still.

    This could be a trainee pilot getting their hours up, or a test flight from a leasing company?

  2. poweredbysprings on

    It was due to fog,or so the captain announced. My wife was on the flight.They landed back in Dublin and apparently it was a very rough landing there!

  3. METAR: EIDL 072100Z 02009KT 5000 BR OVC002 14/13 Q1012

    The BR means mist. OVC002 means overcast with cloud cover down to 200 feet above mean sea level. That’s below every minimum descent altitude for every published instrument approach in Carrickfinn. I wonder why it took so long for them to give up.