Donald Trump claims schools are performing gender-affirming surgeries on transgender kids. That’s not true.


  1. I don’t know what’s more frustrating. The fact that he continues to make these ridiculous claims or the fact that there are people out there who actually believe this.

  2. Be clear on this: He said that *schools* are somehow behind these surgeries.

    >“Think of it. Your kid goes to school and comes home a few days later with an operation. The school decides what’s gonna happen with your child. And you know, many of these childs 15 years later say, ‘What the hell happened? Who did this to me?’ They say, ‘Who did this to me?’”

  3. Due_Willingness1 on

    Oh yeah I always get my surgeries done at the local elementary school

    What kinda world does this guy think he’s living in? 

  4. “And many of these childs, 15 years later say, what the hell happened?” Nobody believes this, right?

  5. He also said that doctors were performing post-birth abortions. He has no fucking clue what is coming out of his mouth. 

  6. Critical_Aspect on

    Once again, just like ~~the~~ his absurd claim that “post-birth abortions” were being performed, *where is the evidence!* Surely, some parent somewhere will have noticed that little Johnny went to school in the morning and came home as little Sally in the afternoon.

  7. His idiot supporters will believe it just like they believe the DNC had an abortion bus that did 40 abortions and that Democrats support abortion during birth.

  8. ranchoparksteve on

    I wonder how Trump believes the surgeries happen. Is it in the wood shop? Does the woke Librarian participate?

  9. Surgeries happening in school? That’s not even remotely logical or realistic. This is going to bring out more people trying to attack schools with guns.

  10. My kids’ school won’t give a kid an aspirin or tylenol without express written permission, and there are people out there dumb enough to believe they have surgical suites at the local elementary school?

  11. bramletabercrombe on

    with a school shooting happening just yesterday and the results of the pizzagate conspiracy almost taking someone’s life Trump should be forced to publicly renounce this lie. All it takes is one of his million mentally ill followers to believe this and go into a school and start shooting. When will Trump be held to account for all the terrorism his words have inspired? How many people have to die for his ego?

  12. As someone who works in a school lol. Many schools won’t give children aspirin. Teacher have to usually buy their own supplies. God knows how a school like mine, which literally counts how many papers we print so they can restrict if you go over the limit (hint: it’s not a high limit), would pay for a surgical suite with multiple doctors, tools and medicine.

  13. To say it is “not true” is like me saying that the piss I took after work today flowed the Nile river. Not only is that “not true” but it is so out of the realm of reality, so deranged and ridiculous, that making such a claim would basically disqualify me from being believed about anything I say and it would necessitate questioning my sanity, cognitive capability, intelligence, and so much more.

  14. This is very likely going to result in “concerned parents” literally attacking schools and hurting or killing people. Anonymous bomb threats at the very least.

  15. It’s true, and not only the kids. My daughter went to pick up my granddaughter from school, and now I have a son and a grandson.

    I made an appointment with the school to discuss this, and now I’m Grandma instead of Granddad.

    Do not go to the school.

  16. Saying “that’s not true” dramatically undersells how disgusting, hateful, and dangerous this lie is. 

  17. I’m constantly stunned by the idiots who support this nonsense. Surgeries don’t happen in schools. Schools can’t consent to surgeries for kids. Many times more shootings happen in schools than surgeries.

  18. I always wondered why my local high school had a full surgical theater and the nursing staff keeps asking us to call them ‘Doctor’. Thanks, Donald!

  19. The headline in EVERY newspaper of the country needs to be:

    Trump is off the rocker

    Trump has lost his marbles

    Trump lives in a mad fantasy world


    Guys, these are not lies anymore, these are meaningless ramblings of a demented mind.
    The American press, owned by billionaires and ruled by scoundrels is working to put a vile man who has lost his mind back into the white house. Because they think they can control him.

    Anyone who knows a bit of history knows that this is how Hitler came to power in Germany. EXACTLY like this.

    Most of the American press is an enemy of the people. Wake the eff up!

  20. No, that is not what is happening in schools. You know what is happening in schools? Kids that are there to receive an education are instead receiving life ending bullet wounds. If you’re going to g to focus on harmful things happening to kids in school, make that focus be on things that are actually happening.
    FUCK the low IQ gqp

  21. Quick_Silver_2707 on

    And who is doing the surgery you geriatric dope? School budgets are cuts so low that there isn’t even a school nurse anymore

  22. everyone take a second and think about how you would feel if you were an underpaid, overworked, and under valued teacher who has to wake up every day, read this vitriolic rhetoric, and then get dressed and go to try and teach a classroom full of kids how to critically think, while knowing full well that at least 40% of their students and parents think that Trump is the messiah.

    thats me. im tired boss…

  23. It doesn’t matter if it’s true. 

    His idiots will believe any shit that comes out of that anus he calls a mouth