Jeremy Kyle defends his treatment of Steve Dymond, who died after show

Posted by SKYLINEBOY2002UK


  1. > Jeremy Kyle tells the inquest he sees “empathy” in the extracts.

    >”From the moment Steve Dymond came out, I called him ‘mate’, I called him ‘pal'”, he says.

    Is he actually an Android?

  2. Alive_kiwi_7001 on

    > Kyle’s own barrister Neil Sheldon KC is now asking the questions.

    > “Did you pounce on Mr Dymond? Did you heckle him? Get in his face, call him a traitor, call him a failure?”

    “Did you dress up in a Tony the Tiger costume and rub your hips in his face while shouting ‘Chewbacca lives on Endor’?”

    “No I did not”.

    “The defence rests, m’lud.”

  3. SoiledGrundies on

    Not only was he money from making entertainment off the misery of others but he scorned and looked down on them whilst doing so. Pure scum.

  4. Nasty little bully who had a poverty porn and social deprivation addiction, who made a killing (quite literally in this case) on treating people like scum all for TV hits and rage-baiting.

    He has no empathy. He has no care for people. He’s unqualified and should never have been the face and the seeming mediator for this sort of thing. It’s that dark side of television we will all look back on with disgust and regret, wondering “what were we thinking?”

  5. Thebritishdovah on

    He’s a piece of a shit that exploited people and I am ashamed to have watched odd parts of it on TV.

    Same with those awful benefit programs that found people they felt were suitable for their narrative that all people on benefits are scroungers. Some programs didn’t do that and highlighted the legit struggles but most were poverty exploitation.

  6. People who watch this shite are just to blame. The program only exists because people live to nosey into other peoples lives, look down on them to make them feel good about themselves

  7. Fan_Service_3703 on

    > “it was direct, but it was empathetic, it was honest”

    If taking the results of the entirely unscientific lie detector test (which, if it was as accurate as claimed, would surely be used in police investigations and in a court of law) as gospel, and then shouting and sneering at those who are found “guilty” in this kangaroo court counts as honest and empathetic, I’d hate to see the alternative.

  8. endangeredpenguin on

    I think the only way forward is to stop these sort of programs to begin with. Don’t get me wrong, I have no time for Kyle but lets not disregard the members of the audiance who revelled in the show and in the “entertainment” of seeing someone humiliated infront of lots of people. Kyle is guilty but the people who houled and cheered along are also guilty.

  9. I wonder how Jeremy treated his older brother, Nick. Was it as harsh as how he treated those people invited on his show?

    Foolish of us all to want a guy HIRED and PAID to be horrible to those people to have any sort of “empathy”.

  10. Real-Fortune9041 on

    I know it’s different in America but Judge Judy did this for 25 years. It’s a shame she’ll never be held to account for the way she treated some people.

  11. Getthetowelout on

    in no way could Jermey Kyle try and describe his presenting style as emphatic , oh wait he just did 🤦‍♂️

  12. Anxious-Welcome3930 on

    Jeremy Kyle is exactly the kind of person the phrase “I wouldn’t even piss on them if they were on fire” was meant for.

  13. General_Townski on

    “Mr Kyle told the inquest: “From the moment Steve Dymond came out, I called him ‘mate’, I called him ‘pal’.

    I de-escalated, I calmed it down, I pushed it backstage”

    Firstly Jeremy did that with the vast majority of men with similar cases on his show. It was his go to thing

    It was also his go to thing to push it backstage if the results went a certain way and those clips show that he most certainly did not de escalate or calm down backstage. Instead it felt like he was twisting the knife into Steve watching that

    There’s apparently an audience member witness who said that Jeremy said “has anybody got a shovel?”

    If that is true that clip needs to surface!

    What’s also interesting is the inventor of the modern polygraph test John Larson wrote in 1965

    “Beyond my expectation, thru uncontrollable factors, this scientific investigation became for practical purposes a Frankenstein’s monster, which I have spent over 40 years in combating.”

  14. The more I’ve learned about Kyle the more he comes across as a truly callous opportunistic scumbag.

  15. CensorTheologiae on

    I feel in two minds about this. Because Kyle is not exactly an uncommon type in UK media.

    This sort of abuse is really common at all levels. Every broadsheet has its own homegrown abuse merchant, punching down at whatever target will get its readers sneering and feeling like they’re superior.

    I despise Kyle, and his show, and his producers, and the ITV and Channel 5 directors who let it happen. They’re all ghouls.

    But I know I’m going to end up reading some pompous pontification from some equally vile commentators over the next few weeks: hypocrites who enjoy their own thuggery but will get smug over this. Just feels like we let a poison into our media culture and everyone has realized it’s profitable.

  16. Very few people are reporting that these ‘lie detectors’ are so unreliable. To completely devastate a relationship based on something which is, at best, 90% accurate, is a joke.

  17. armouredxerxes on

    He’s a charlatan and a purveyor of drama and poverty porn. It was inevitable he’d do some serious harm to someone.

  18. SnooMarzipans7001 on

    Something we are all forgetting is that this was a long running show, not a one time series. Everyone who went on that show knew what was to be expected. That does not make the treatment they received acceptable but the equivalent is going to a sauna and complaining that you are hot..suicide is always a tragedy and this man’s treatment was not okay but I don’t believe that this one incident or person can be held responsible.

  19. The self righteousness and arrogance oozing out of every post in this thread hahaha.

    You’re all just pissed off he managed to make a buck off of exploiting the scumbags of society reveling in this drama rather than you.

    If you were in the same position as him, you would all 100% do the same.

    Millions of people tuned into this show, loving every minute. Goading Jeremy Kyle and the guests on. Every episode. Yet people bore. You need to go harder. More controversial. Feed the audience. Feed their depravity.

    So what was Jeremy suppose to do? Throw it all in. Pump the brakes? Or pump the gas. He had a crew to pay. He had houses to buy. Salaries. Cars. Holidays. Awards. Ratings. And thousands is depraved losers desperate, begging to be in his show.

    Of course he kept his foot flat out on the gas. Just like every. Single. One. Of. You.

  20. guillotines_ready on

    steve was murdered for entertainment value on prime time tv and there’s not a chance justice will be done. this is absolutely fine, nothing to see.

  21. VooDooBooBooBear on

    The dude was a dirty cheater snd wanted to drag his partner on a show in the hope he’d be vindicated and wasn’t. Zero sympathy. Jeremy Kyle and Jeremy springer before him were great to see what the stains of society get up to.

  22. I’m surprised the thick bastard didn’t cause more deaths, him and his team would give known alcoholics free booze and then start winding them up to be angry about their situations. He should be in jail, horrid pathetic little man.