Planning board shoots down Eircom plans to build 111 apartments in Dublin

Posted by jeperty


  1. AllezLesPrimrose on

    Building a ton of one and two bed apartments sure is a choice. I’m of the opinion ABP were right to nix the plan when it does even meet the 20% threshold that was set out for three bed properties in these types of builds. Eir were just trying to jam as many small and miserable apartments into the complex to increase the sale value.

  2. global-harmony on

    Planning board should be shot      down   
       just build some fecking apartments and stop listening to pathetic whingers who make up any excuse to prevent more builds from stopping the increase in their house value

  3. demonspawns_ghost on

    >  The refusal from An Bord Pleanála comes well over two years after telecommunications firm Eircom Ltd first lodged an application under the Government’s now-abolished “fast track” Strategic Housing Development process in March 2022.

    Brilliant. Someone linked the government’s new planning bill the other day. Seems they want to reform ABP, and it feels like APB are refusing a lot of things out of pure spite. Would I be wrong in thinking this?

  4. 29 months for a decision that was supposed to take 4.

    Darragh O’Brien really is playing a blinder

  5. The government love this, they must be laughing their heads off when a story like this comes out – look over here and blame someone else.

    The government brought in complete planning exemptions to allow them to create housing for migrants and have done nothing similar for its own citizens. If the will was there, the government could treat housing like the real crisis it is and reform planning as an emergency or bring in some planning exemptions to create housing for its own citizens.

  6. TomatoJuice303 on

    The delays at ABP are scandalous and this has to change urgently.

    That said, I don’t understand how developers can’t comply with the Local Authority Development Plans. DLRCC’s Development Plan, according to this article, said that such developments must have 20% 3+ bed units. The proposed development did not have that so it’s to be expected that permission will be denied. People who cynically oppose development will look for every opportunity to object and that was an easy win for them. Did they just not bother with due diligence or did they just decide to drive on and hope for the best?

    The Develpment Plan was *adopted* a month after the applicaiton was submitted. It would have been available for consultation for several months before adoption. The developer, I presume, would have had pre-planning meetings with the LA prior to making the submission too, so there is no way they could not have known about this.

    It should not have taken 29 months to reach this conclusion, though.

  7. ResponsibleMango4561 on

    We need more decent apartments in this country – for young people to make a start and for older people to downsize into