Is Vinča Albanian culture? Seems to be older than Ilyria?

Quest for Vinča is a journey of discovery to understand the roots of European culture and development during the neolithic period.
Tracking a course from England to Serbia, follow author and historian, Benjamin Elliott, as he brings together fragments of the past, visiting archaeological sites and interviewing some of Britain and Serbiaā€™s most respected academics.
Discovering the possible nucleus of human development in Europe, Quest for Vinča uncovers the foundations of our modern world as we understand it today, offering an alternative narrative to the story of human progress.

Benjamin Elliott
Ā Ā Ā /Ā benjamin-elliott-29261…Ā Ā ā€‹

Vladimir Jaksic
/Ā vladimir-jaksic-37629640Ā Ā ā€‹

Posted by Logical-Librarian608


  1. Well sort of. To some degree we have some dna from the Vinća culture people due to them being EEF.

    Edit: it is ridiculous to think that 2 cultures that span 6000-7000 years between them have sth in common. Vinća culture is part of what is called ā€˜Old Europeā€™. Indigenous Early European Farmers descended from Early Anatolian Farmers that split sometime around 27000 years ago. Indo-European Yamnaya people that inter-married with some part of the Vinća culture descended people (by force or by desire) resulted of what we know as Proto-Illyrians.

  2. breathofthepoiso on

    A particular nation is trying to claim themselves as the direct successors of Vinca culture

  3. Logical-Librarian608 on

    I get it man, the mixing…

    Where can I find more info on that Anatolian migration?

  4. How can you give modern natonalities to prehistoric civilisations? We albanians logically may be partly vinca but not the other way around

  5. VinƧa is pre-indoeuropean. No one and everyone can claim them. As a culture, no one carries their legacy. But what we Albanians, Greeks and part of the Macedonians carry at a higher percentage is the neolithic farmer DNA, which would be the DNA of these people and others that settled nearby.

  6. Bright_Sense_8819 on

    A nation without history or identity trying to claim someone elses… So typical for nations that are less than two centuries old..

  7. Does it matter bro, you never see Swedes and Finns arguing over neolithic and bronze age artefacts