How do you think the flow of dusty air from Turkmenistan can be prevented?

Source: IQAir (AirVisual)

Posted by Possible-Goal-9824


  1. imperatorPaxlava118 on

    Necə Türmənistandan bizə tozlu hava gələ bilər? Bunları edən özümüzük: Harda gəldi bina tikilir, nə qədər “restoran” və şadlıq saraylarından tüstü çıxır. Tədbir görməyə başlamasalar 10-15 ilə Abşeron yarımadasında yaşamaq mümkün olmayacaq

  2. Okay so this isn’t a pollution map. It’s air quality meaning it takes into account the whole french buffee of things like humidity, temperature, mist, dust etc. Hence you can sometimes see 200 in a goddamn Finland of all places when a snowstorm hits.

    Plus as you can clearly see from the map there’s an unusual weather pattern all over the Caspian sea which is getting carried over towards the Caucasus atm.

    As for your question. We can’t prevent it. We however can enforce laws regarding the height of buildings in certain districts of Baku. In Soviet times there was a committee specifically dealing with Baku winds as buildings shouldn’t disrupt the windflow. Better winds=quicker dust storm moves on.