A viral video shows Japanese police demanding that musician Noda Izaya show ID to prove his visa status (because he looks foreign). Noda, the son of famous Japanese artist Noda Tetsuya, refuses to show ID, insisting that he is a Japanese citizen…



  1. He sounds pretty entitled. You don’t get a free pass from police just because you’re Japanese…you need to show your ID regardless…

  2. ToToroToroRetoroChan on

    I wonder if they’ll issue an apology, or just ignore it since (I assume) he wasn’t detained and they eventually let him go. I don’t have a twitter account so it wouldn’t let me read any of the comments.

    I’ve seen a couple reports in the past were they’ve detained a non-Japanese “looking” Japanese citizen and had to issue an apology after ([for example](https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXLASDG1400K_U4A810C1CC0000/)).

  3. How could you prove you are Japanese? It seems like something you couldn’t do without carrying a Japanese passport.

    Or some Koseki Tohon but neither are things you’d carry around with you.

  4. Isn’t this the known and admitted [arsonist](https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4702680,00.html)? He is half-Israeli and maintains Israeli citizenship, and he seems to have a lot of mental health issues, as he also is some sort of Japanese imperialist who has criticized people for not supporting the emperor. I’m not surprised police would stop a man who set fire to multiple train stations.

  5. toiletsitter123 on

    The cops are totally in the wrong here judging by the video, but this guy has an interesting past. Was convicted of arson on JR property and sentenced to 4 years in prison.



  6. Those cops are going to catch it from their superior officer. Cops get a free pass it’s a gaijin they’re pushing around about alien registration. But if it’s an actual person with Japanese citizenship they’ve got a lot of ごめんなさいing to do.

  7. Anime_King_Josh on

    Good. Now you know how us foreigners feel.

    People have no issue when this happens to foreigners but are up in arms when the same laws and rules are applied to locals.

    Hypocrisy at its finest. Actually, lemme say what the japanese like to say,

    └( ゚∀゚)┘仕方がない