At the corner of Custom House Quay beside IFSC building and near Busaras. Really happy with how he turned out and looking for recommendations for who to add to my collection of mythology characters next 🥰 Hope he brightens up someone’s day!

Text below copied from my Instagram post (@acidstarzart)

Manannán MacLir was the first human descendant of Lir, the Irish sea god. He was also the father of the Children of Lir, their relation to the sea God explaining why they could not be drowned and were instead turned into swans. Manannán was a trickster, often leaving others high and dry to teach them a lesson about their behaviour, however he would forgive once the lesson was learned. Manannán ruled over three otherwordly realms, including Tír na nÓg, and had many enchanted items such as his sword ‘The Answerer’, his self-sailing boat ‘Wave-Sweeper’ & his horse that could travel land and sea. On land he whirled across the land as a wind, leading to his symbol of the triskelion, a symbol of the Isle of Man where he was also said to have lived.

Posted by acidstarz


  1. These are class OP well done!!!!. Have you get to do anything bigger on a building? Some great stuff gone up in towns around the country in recent years.