Irish Radio station playing Fallout 4 soundtrack nonstop

Posted by KY_96


  1. About 20 odd years ago I found an online “radio station” that played whopper classic and prog-metal/rock on Saturdays. The two boys running it were bored scientists based in the middle of nowhere Alaska, getting wasted together, listening to tunes and just being hilarious.

    They used to joke about playing music into the void and absolutely no one listening.

    One day, the website that hosted them (and 1000s other fan powered stations) upgraded to include a live listener count.

    The boys were averaging 10k listeners per broadcast.

    Boy’s minds exploded on air. It was brilliant.

  2. LeroyTheBarman on

    There’s a guy in Lucan, broadcasts on Dublin South FM on a Sunday. Plays a lot of video game music if that’s your jam.

    It’s not me BTW!!

  3. EconomyCauliflower43 on

    Downloaded Radio Garden a while back and browsing the usual Irish stations it had a conspiracy theory channel in Kells called The Circle of White Light. Complete fruitcakes just repeating the usual conspiracy theories they picked up from the US, no originality.