Japan's youngest mayor starts work in Odate City, northern Japan Japan’s youngest mayor has taken office following his win in an election held on Sunday.

Twenty-seven-year-old Ishida Kensuke was elected mayor of Odate City, Akita Prefecture, in northern Japan. He began his first day at the city office on Monday morning.

In his inaugural speech, Ishida asked city officials to help him resolve issues the city faces as he cannot do it on his own.

He also said the city will need the united power of both officials and citizens to overcome the issues of a rapidly aging population and extremely low birthrate.

He asked everyone to work together to bring about change to the city.

He was later interviewed in his office, where reporters asked him how it felt to sit on the mayor’s seat.

He said he has yet to get used to it, but added that he feels more strongly that being elected was not the final goal but the beginning.

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