Platform plants ‘poisoned by peeing passengers’

Posted by Forward-Answer-4407


  1. Ok_Dragonfruit_8102 on

    If I’m playing Rollercoaster Tycoon and the visitors are pissing all over the place, it’s my fault for not putting toilets down. Maybe the local council never played it?

  2. That’s cool but you cant kill plants by pissing on them unless your stream is so forceful it rips them out of the ground.

    Urine is 95% water and most of the rest is urea which plants actually really like because its mostly just useable nitrogen to them so unless someone is really ill and pissing round-up someone is ~~making shit up~~. (Edit.) pissing around.

    Also some proof just because, the phantom pisser likely did more help than harm.


  3. It’s the same with people going to the toilet in bushes in parks. Councils close the toilets and then get shocked that people get caught short and have to go somewhere quickly. It is not pleasant but it is not surprising either. I had to do it once on the way home from work. Luckily I was on a late shift and it was pitch black, so no one could see me, however I would rather shit in a bush and feel disgusting than shit in my shorts and feel disgusting.