Citing data from the European statistics agency Eurostat, Klix today conveys the news as we have the lowest percentage of highly educated citizens in Europe. In itself, that probably wouldn’t have prompted me to open this discussion, but then I think about how often in private and public discourse we hear a variation of the phrase: today everyone has a diploma.

However, with all those diplomas from Kiseljak, Travnik, and God knows where, when we add them all up, we are still the last in Europe in the number of (at least formally) highly educated citizens.

The fact that our perception is obviously and brutally separated from reality is a problem in itself, which manifests itself in countless ways and in countless social spheres, but the question I really want to ask is: where do we have such hatred for education and knowledge, so we does it seem that we have too much of what we objectively have the least in Europe?

Zvanična statistika: BiH ima najmanje obrazovano stanovništvo u Evropi
byu/ExNihilo___ inbih

Posted by ExNihilo___


  1. Najmanje visokoobrazovanih I vjerovatno jedno od losijih obrazovnih sistema u Europi. Kao sto si I sam naveo to utice na sve sfere I danas imamo Ono sto imamo. Jos kad se to ukombinuje s vjerom, znaci samo propast u konacnici.

  2. Tačno se vidi na nama. Koliko nas je socijalizam munjevito obrazovao i civilizovao, toliko sada munjevito razgrađujemo sve što je valjalo.

    Još nam nisu pomrli svi stari inžinjeri, čekajmo tek pravu smjenu generacija.

  3. Practical_Rich8604 on

    Bitno je da smo mi najpametnija nacija i da ti neobrazovani mogu reci – ‘ta ce ti fakultet