Getting into the suit before diving into the NBL, a long process! Explanation of the steps in the comments.

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  1. Today, I’ll explain how we put on our spacesuit before diving into the NBL. You’ll see it takes a certain amount of time and some steps are delicate.

    1. After donning the lower torso assembly (LTA), which are the “legs” of the suit, we ingress the hard upper torso (HUT), a rigid shell that protects our upper body. This step is difficult because it requires a lot of shoulder flexibility to get into the HUT.

    2. The LTA and HUT are connected, making sure not to pinch anything

    3. We put on the communication cap

    4. We don the gloves

    5. Last chance to scratch your nose before putting on the helmet

    6. After installing the work tools (I don’t have the video), pressurizing the suit, and doing the final checks, we’re ready to move to liquid state about an hour after the first step