1. The combination of Trump’s loose cannon style coupled with his increasingly strange comments must have his advisors scared.

  2. >Vice President Harris took another swing at former President Trump Saturday over the back-and-forth around the rules of the upcoming debate, claiming he is “surrendering to his advisors” by supporting muted mics.

    >“Donald Trump is surrendering to his advisors who won’t allow him to debate with a live microphone,” Harris said in a post on social media platform X. “If his own team doesn’t have confidence in him, the American people definitely can’t.”

    >“We are running for President of the United States,” the vice president continued. “Let’s debate in a transparent way — with the microphones on the whole time.”

  3. RuncibleSpork on

    >The Trump team had also suggested that Harris would go into the debate with a loss over fighting for debate rule changes.

    Weak attempt at spin. The only one going into the debate with a loss over their head is Trump (if he appears), who claimed he would only ever debate her on Fox.

  4. TheonsPrideinaBox on

    Trump in full blown angry Q-Anon mode at the debate would be a gift to the Harris campaign so great, she’d have to declare it.

  5. Who’s running the Harris campaign? High-five, fist-bump, kudos etc. they’re hitting on all cylinders.

  6. This is an interesting point of strategy.

    We all thought muted mics would hurt Trump as he wouldn’t be able to bluster over his opponent.

    Turns out it just hid one of his worst sides.

    But in the case of Biden it also highlighted Bidens failing ability to speak clearly full focus.

    I don’t think that will be a problem for Kamala so I can’t help but feel they might be switching the strategy and the player at the same time and it might not work or as well as they are thinking.

  7. Long_Impression2474 on

    His handlers know he will go full blown Michael Richards on the debate stage screaming the n word

  8. I love her she knows just how to push trumps buttons haha couldn’t ask for a better foil for trump. When they go low, we go dive for the Mariana Trench

  9. Just because the mic he’s talking into is muted doesn’t mean they can’t record what he’s saying from another mic and play it to us later.

  10. Competitive_Yam7702 on

    Remember, his advisors and maga in general, want the power. They know that trump has the only chance of all of them to win the top job, and they know hes senile and wont last a full term. They want to install him so he becomes a dictator almost immediately, then they can boot him out and put whoever they want in his place, or even wait till he dies and do it.

    its really as simple as that.

  11. Not a useful thought, but anyone else imagine Rumpy resorting to actual physical attempt at domination during debate and ending up choked out by Kamala?

  12. Appropriate_Lime_331 on

    Was this before or after she surrendered to the oil barons by reversing her fracking stance

  13. SquirrelParticular17 on

    tRump doesn’t need no stinking advisors! Don’t you let those libruls tell you what to do, you are your own big, tough man, Donold.

  14. Mcboatface3sghost on

    I’m going to lose my N Bomb bet by 10 days aren’t I? It was so close so many times. Gambling involves risk, coincidence, and examination of odds quickly. I have 6.5 hours to win, and I believe I will lose, but only on timing. That bomb is coming. Like prison sex, nobody wants it to happen, but… it’s going to happen. *the great philosopher, “Peter Griffin”

  15. I hope Kamala doesn’t surrender to her advisors about taxing the ultra-wealthy. That just needs to happen, period.

  16. I wonder how big of a wedge she will be able to drive in between Trump and his team?
    I love this shit.

  17. StructureBitter3778 on

    At this point it probably wont matter if the mics are muted or unmuted.

    Trump will spend the majority of the time at the debate trying to insult and name call Kamala Harris because of all the needling she is doing to him.

  18. PNW_Skinwalker on

    And they’ll still buy that Harris “doesn’t want to debate by the rules” when their rules are literally broken.

    Get flattened fuckers

  19. CardsharkF150 on

    I remember when Biden was complaining the mics weren’t muted because Trump kept interrupting him

  20. TheLadyMagician on

    She wins this one way or the other because either they a) have umuted mics and people get to see Trump implode against a very intelligent former prosecutor or b) he talks to her with a muted mic and she gets to bring it up.

    “You all can’t hear, but my opponent is responding to my comments up here. My team and I–and even former president Trump–wanted unmuted mics. But his team refused because they don’t trust him to talk to the American people and if his own team can’t trust him just to speak, why should America trust him to lead?”

  21. Honestly I think Trump was ironically right in this situation. With the mics muted, his advisers think the last debate strategy will win. However, Harris will have prepped for that strategy. Brilliant move by Harris campaign to troll either route because it ultimately obscures that they want the mics to be muted. Fucking beautiful play.