Two men jailed over sex worker’s ordeal in Bradford flat

Posted by WeightDimensions


  1. Men in Bradford really need to get a grip




  2. EwokSuperPig___ on

    God awful what happened to this woman. Needs to be better protection for sex workers in this country

  3. BisonLoose6266 on

    Both asylum seekers from Sudan… Unsurprising…

    Most people in the U.K. aren’t aware of the absolute horrors taking place in Sudan at the moment. Genuinely terrifying stuff that is on par with the Holocaust in terms of its brutality – and that is no exaggeration I promise. We’re talking cannibalistic gangs, massacres of entire villages, mass executions, widespread torture, famine, disease, forced conscription, child soldiers, rape and slavery everywhere. I could go on, but from the videos I’ve seen from Sudan, it wouldn’t do it justice.

    That said, why are we just letting people from countries where violence like this is so normalised into the U.K.? Their asylum claims were rejected in Italy and Germany ffs. Is it any surprise to anyone that young men from perhaps the most brutally violent place on the planet right now go on to commit violent crimes? Yet we let them into this country and leave them to their own devices?