Congolese soldiers from the FADRC lead by Brigader Gen. Mamadou Ndala in action during the 2013 Anti-M23 Offensive, which resulted in M23 being expelled from the country until 2022 when it re-emerged. (music from source)
Congolese soldiers from the FADRC lead by Brigader Gen. Mamadou Ndala in action during the 2013 Anti-M23 Offensive, which resulted in M23 being expelled from the country until 2022 when it re-emerged. (music from source)
Incoming idf and sniper fire and the guy is like “no problem”, wild.
Whyisnobodylookin on
Guy with the baton not trying to miss any action
Subject_Wrongdoer_88 on
So M23 is still a thing in the Congos or what? Can someone fill me in without me having to google?
plu7o89 on
You can tell he knows what kind of troops he’s dealing with. Some are more motivated than others.
Gonna go down the google rabbit hole learning absolutely every scrape of info I can about all this now. Like finding little interesting bits of history on reddit.
The lack of training and discipline in African armies is just astounding me. These guys are in a life and death fight and the flag officer has to go to the front to make sure their units are actually engaging in combat and not sitting behind cover. It’s no wonder militias and insurgent groups are so successful against these governments.
Signal-Fish8538 on
See the South Africans there sniping this time there agin in the DRC and with less support
SoZur on
These guys look fairly professional, if we compare this video to the videos from Sudan where everybody is spraying and wearing flip flops in battle (no offense to the SAF though, I think it’s mostly local volunteers we see in these videos).
The behavior of the officer is pretty interesting. He uses a Baton/Staff-of-office and motivates his troops by exposing himself to fire. That’s old french officer school right there.
Gaunerking on
This should have way more upvotes.
Best inside view of how wars are waged in central Africa on a command level.
And these even are on the more professionell side.
Simply wild.
Almost every quote legend material.
„Those who die, let them die. Those who survive will survive.
George Patton/Rommel reincarnated…
Gaunerking on
Does anyone know which documentary this is from? Looks like it has been taken from BBC.
Poleth87 on
These guys must have special hearing after this
un-tall_Investigator on
Yep this guy has been engraved in my mind forever, essentially a brave general that got too much appreciation from its communities. One trip he was “suddenly” ambushed, might be an rpg shot but nevertheless his comrades pulled him out of the fire in vain and wept. its included in the documentary if im not mistaken
DemisHassabisFan on
Very nice material you have posted here. Interesting conflict and logistics
DemisHassabisFan on
Holy shit. They should make a COD Campaign with this guy in it. Like how Savimbi is portrayed in BO2
Trappist235 on
Crazy to the the difference between a war like this and the war in Ukraine. Different worlds.
Incoming idf and sniper fire and the guy is like “no problem”, wild.
Guy with the baton not trying to miss any action
So M23 is still a thing in the Congos or what? Can someone fill me in without me having to google?
You can tell he knows what kind of troops he’s dealing with. Some are more motivated than others.
Gonna go down the google rabbit hole learning absolutely every scrape of info I can about all this now. Like finding little interesting bits of history on reddit.
this general is an RTS player
the guy with the stick, he was a true hero:
HD Congo footage holy fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
The lack of training and discipline in African armies is just astounding me. These guys are in a life and death fight and the flag officer has to go to the front to make sure their units are actually engaging in combat and not sitting behind cover. It’s no wonder militias and insurgent groups are so successful against these governments.
See the South Africans there sniping this time there agin in the DRC and with less support
These guys look fairly professional, if we compare this video to the videos from Sudan where everybody is spraying and wearing flip flops in battle (no offense to the SAF though, I think it’s mostly local volunteers we see in these videos).
The behavior of the officer is pretty interesting. He uses a Baton/Staff-of-office and motivates his troops by exposing himself to fire. That’s old french officer school right there.
This should have way more upvotes.
Best inside view of how wars are waged in central Africa on a command level.
And these even are on the more professionell side.
Simply wild.
Almost every quote legend material.
„Those who die, let them die. Those who survive will survive.
George Patton/Rommel reincarnated…
Does anyone know which documentary this is from? Looks like it has been taken from BBC.
These guys must have special hearing after this
Yep this guy has been engraved in my mind forever, essentially a brave general that got too much appreciation from its communities. One trip he was “suddenly” ambushed, might be an rpg shot but nevertheless his comrades pulled him out of the fire in vain and wept. its included in the documentary if im not mistaken
Very nice material you have posted here. Interesting conflict and logistics
Holy shit. They should make a COD Campaign with this guy in it. Like how Savimbi is portrayed in BO2
Crazy to the the difference between a war like this and the war in Ukraine. Different worlds.