Former editors of now defunct Hong Kong online media found guilty of sedition A Hong Kong court has found two former editors of now defunct online media, Stand News, guilty of conspiracy to publish seditious publications.

Stand News had published a number of articles related to anti-government protests in 2019. It was known for its editorial line critical of the Hong Kong government.

The media outlet was raided by police three years ago. Its two senior editors, including former editor-in-chief, were arrested and charged for allegedly inciting hatred against China and the Hong Kong government, resulting in the media’s closure.

The court found the defendants guilty of the charge on Thursday. Sentencing is expected on September 26.

The Hong Kong Journalists Association criticized the court decision in a statement. It argued that the court decision “exemplifies the decline of the city’s press freedom.” It also said “the damage done to the city’s press and to a media company is irreversible long before the verdict was handed down today.”

The territory’s national security law went into effect four years ago, followed by crackdowns on media outlets. Subsequently, pro-democracy media, including Stand News and Apple Daily newspaper, were forced to close.

Apple Daily founder, Jimmy Lai, was accused of endangering national security among other charges and is still facing trial.

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