‘Inevitable things will go wrong’ when prisoners freed early, chief prisons inspector warns


Posted by topotaul


  1. HotelPuzzleheaded654 on

    Tbh I don’t envy any UK Government because we want world class public services but if a Government proposes any kind of tax rises they’re basically considered communist and if they borrow they’re fiscally irresponsible so how do you pay for anything?

    A common example is with foreign aid, people like to say we need to help our own which is fine but then anyone who needs benefits is considered a scrounger who shouldn’t get any benefits either.

    They’re basically damned if they do and damned if they don’t.

  2. JimJonesdrinkkoolaid on

    It’s not surprising. A fair few prisoners have nowhere to live when they leave prison so either end up homeless (which is going to lead to some kind of break of licence conditions) or they end up forced into living in some drug infested, shit hole halfway house away from their support network of family/friends and they break the curfew rules or abscond or something and then they’re recalled to prison.

    The UK prison system doesn’t have a rehabilitation aspect built into it really, so Recidivism is high.

    This is without taking into account the underfunding of probation services, etc.

  3. Particular-Mix-7505 on

    Of course it is.

    That’s why it would be great if the Tories hadn’t utterly eviscerated the entire system, leaving the current government with literally zero other options other than early-release for the lowest-risk offenders.

    But they did. And so now there’s no choice.

  4. Visual-Blackberry874 on

    I think most people you ask would actually want, support or expect a prison sentence to be served fully in custody without any of this early release for good behaviour business.

    Instead, they’ve reduced the threshold even further, from 50% of the sentence being in custody to 40%.

    Absolutely maddening. And no doubt I’m far right for noticing.

  5. This is why we need gulags and asylums to lock up the criminal class and the crazies. Why are we letting people like this walk the streets, should be locked up and keys thrown away. Crimes like murder, rape, violent assaults etc…should be automatic life sentences. Rehabilitation doesn’t work and even if it fucking did, why waste the time and energy on these people when they can just be locked up and given a life of hard forced labour. I would gladly have my taxes increase to any amount to get the criminals and mentally ill out of society.