Fox host smirks as he makes “disgusting” rape joke about Kamala Harris


  1. Electronic_Slide_236 on

    The fact republicans are OK with people like Watters speaking for them tells you all you need to know.

    Any legitimate company would have fired him a hundred times over by now.

  2. che-che-chester on

    They’re masters of letting everyone know exactly what they mean without actually saying the words.

  3. >“I’m sure my mother was probably… go on MSNBC tonight and say my son, Jesse Watters, made a joke about Kamala Harris being manhandled by generals in the Situation Room, and she- he has desecrated the memory of our grandfather, and it’s just, it’s disgusting!” Watters said. “I can see my mom doing that. And I wish I had a political dynasty so I could take shots as well.”

    He certainly has some Mommy issues! It’s beginning to seem like all Republicans are misfits and weirdos.

  4. SMOKEYmonster725 on

    I hope his mom calls in and scold him again!!! She was a legend last time she called into his show!!

  5. ScooterLeShooter on

    Ah, well if Jesse Watters is thinking about this kind of thing, I’m terrified about what he’s done to women(outside of slashing a woman’s tires so she had to ride with him. I’m guessing that’s not the only fucked up thing he’s done).

  6. This isn’t his first time either. A serial cheater. Marries the woman he cheated with. I’m sure that won’t be the last marriage either.

  7. I hate everything about this asshole. Idk how he has a job, even for Fox News he has always been nothing but trash. He’s not talented, good looking, and certainly not intelligent…of all the morons on television he is by far the dumbest. I hope someday he gets himself trapped inside a paper bag and ceases to exist.

  8. Even the “innocent” explanation for his comment, that Kamala Harris would not be able to exert control ovet the generals because she is a woman, shows staggering ignorance. He’s clearly never examined the military leadership of Margaret Thatcher, Golda Meir or Indira Gandhi to think of three.

  9. FOX fires Tucker and says “how ever will we replace his sleazy, entitled, juvenile takes for the incel crowd?!?”

    Jesse Watters said “hold my beer, motherfuckers!”

  10. Do they make all these smirking, misogynist little Glenn Beck mini-mes in a factory somewhere? It’s like a hydra. One gets fired for sexual assault or harassment and two more take their place.

  11. CrotasScrota84 on

    Jesse Waters has done one of 2 things

    1. He has Raped women probably in other countries
    2. He has Child porn

  12. This guy is a Moron.
    If you haven’t seen Jon Stewart mocking him for talking (live) about how the the Democratic convention wasn’t going well and was like a funeral while the live video over his shoulder showed democrats dancing and a DJ. It was very funny.

    His constant condescending tone just made it even funnier.

  13. X_Treme_Doo_Doo on

    He wants to be the replacement for Tucker Carlson. He’s doing great because I honestly don’t know which one of them I’d rather punch in the face. Tough choice.

  14. Derp_State_Agent on

    “Every time this guy appears on my feed he’s acting like the wrong answer on an HR training”

    Fucking spot on comment.

  15. He needs counseling. He needs a whooping from his momma too. But yeah, he needs to be fired.