Which news services in Poland do you think are worth recommending?
Many years ago, my default choice was Onet or Interia, but those were the days when Interia had a dragon on a yellow background as its logo. Now, these are places I’d rather not visit.
I subscribed to Wyborcza for a while, but that was mainly because of promotional codes that lowered the subscription price. I want a more neutral source of information. I would also prefer there to be no paywall or it to be relatively cheap. I know that there is a promotion for a Rzeczpospolita subscription right now, which suits me, and I even subscribed to them for a few weeks, but I wonder if there is something better.
It would be nice if there was access via RSS so that one could download just the headlines and not be distracted by stock photos.
Posted by bclx99
Osobiście polecam https://oko.press. Na ile umiem stwierdzić są światopoglądowo skoszeni trochę w lewo, ale obiektywni. Paywalla nie ma, do niektórych artykułów trzeba mieć założone *darmowe* konto (jeśli nie chcesz spamiętywać/spisywać haseł, to da się przez SSO jak np. Google). RSSa chyba nie mają, mają mailowy newsletter i publikację na Google News (link w stopce strony).