Hi, I’ll start by saying that I’m not the unbelieving Thomas, and I’d even donate money for this case, but no matter how much I looked for information about the disease, I couldn’t find any credible source that revealed that there is this miracle treatment that costs 600,000 euros/dose and it should cure two children suffering from the genetic disease SPG 56. The more I searched, the stronger my suspicions are, unfortunately.

It is about this casepublicized since the beginning of the year on Facebook, by many influencers from the charity field. In many of the posts it is claimed that a genetic treatment was developed, in the form of a single dose that cost 600k euros, two such doses being necessary, one for each child. For an undisclosed reason, these doses can only be given at the beginning of September, so if the difference in money is not raised (yesterday 80,000, today there are 20,000 left), they say they will be forced to choose only one of the children one will benefit from treatment, and the other will remain disabled for life (why, I don’t give explanations, I don’t understand why they can’t be treated separately, depending on when the money is collected, considering that they are of different ages) . Also, I did not find it on the father’s profile, nor on the mother’s, nor on donation site dedicated posted medical documents to prove that the little ones suffer from this disease. Even the way the posts are written, resorting to urgency and emotional blackmail (e.g. “what happens if the remaining 50,000 euros are not collected in a few days? We will have to choose which of the two children will be saved and which will remain disabled for life”), as well as the statement that only 13 people suffer from this disease in the whole world (from online sources I found that there are approximately one million cases), make me ask myself more and more questions.

Also, the accounts in which this amount was collected are the personal accounts of the talal, although it seems that they also established a association.

Thus, my main suspicion is given by the fact that I cannot find any credible information that mentions that a treatment has been discovered for this rare disease (the existing news only mentions that clinical trials are being carried out and that until a possible treatment will probably take some years). If among you there are also people from the medical field, or who have evidence that this miracle treatment really exists and that it is not a horrible scam in the middle, supported probably without science and by many people with good souls who got involved physically and soul in this case, I would be happy and even donate to help these children.

1.2 mil. Euro din donatii pentru tratamentul unei boli genetice (SPG 56) – insa toate informaÈ›iile găsite online arata ca nu exista tratament in acest moment
byu/remeberthegoodtimes inRomania

Posted by remeberthegoodtimes


  1. Inevitable_End_2700 on

    Citind comentariile preotului mi se pare ca e un scam 100%.

    ‘Ne trebuie bani pana maine ca e un drog experimental’. Zici ca e black friday si trebuie sa il cumpere la prima ora

  2. Nimeni nu te opreste sa ceri documente medicale si dovezi ale tratamentului (inclusiv studii care sa ateste eficienta) inainte de a da bani. Indiferent ce BORat sau influencer publica pe fb.

  3. Nu inteleg un lucru, ai nascut un copil care s-a imbolnavit de leucemie, ai mai facut unul care intre timp a paralizat. Eu, ca si om rational, ce fac in acest timp in care viata mi-a oferit 2 lectii importante care nu mi-au adus altceva decat durere? Pai ce sa facem, boss, mai facem inca unul, poate de data asta e cu noroc, stii ce zic? Am mai avut un comentariu zilele trecute in care mi-am luat hate, dar e ok, probabil tot de la cei inconstienti care fac copii de plictiseala sau ca sa fie *in rand cu lumea*. Daca nu ai invatat de mic responsabilitatea si faptul ca trebuie sa stii cand sa te opresti inainte de a nu te infunda si mai mult in probleme, e clar ca toata responsabilitatea o sa o arunci pe umerii bunilor samariteni care poate de mila or sa-ti doneze tie bani. Sunt absolut convins ca dupa ce se intorc in tara unde locuiesc sirul copiilor nu se va opri aici! Am si o suspiciune cu privire la minoritatea din care fac parte dar ma abtin ca presimt tavalugul mamicilor din grupurile dedicate lor aratandu-si coltii!

  4. waitingforliah on

    Au mai fost cazuri in care desi cazul a fost la stiri (pe tion.ro fetita cu cancer) s-a dovedit ca era scam si omu e la puscarie.

    Poti sa ceri documente medicale sau sa sesizezi politia/protectia consumatorului daca crezi ca e scam. Pot ei investiga mai departe.
    E foarte bine sa ajutam daca ne permitem, nimeni nu vrea sa fie in situatia asta (daca e adevarat) dar in ziu de azi poti sa falsifici orice document medical si facturi si sa postezi online

  5. Exista boli cu tratamente scumpe experimentale, dar nu știu dacă asta e una din ele sau nu.

    Dacă te ai informat și ai cat de cat siguranță că e scam propun sa faci print screenuri și să faci o plângere la poliție (pe email) sa verifice ei dacă este frauda sau nu. Dacă este scam, chiar daca nu ești tu personal afectat, mi se pare important sa nu lași fraudele nepedepsite

  6. Unul din tipii care ii ajuta sa adune banii este politist (Dani Cek). Refuz sa cred ca si-ar risca cariera pentru un scam. 

    De obicei nu donez, dar vazand filmarile teribile cu copiii, am donat. Chiar daca presupusul tratament nu ar ajuta, consider ca oamenii aia merita orice fel de ajutor.