More young Japanese turn to matchmaking apps for marriage A government survey shows that matchmaking apps are now the most common way for young people in Japan to find a spouse. This has officials considering how to tap social networking as a way to encourage more people to marry.

The Children and Families Agency last month polled 20,000 people aged from 15 to 39 about marriage. This was the first such survey by the agency.

One of the questions for married people was how they met their spouse. Roughly a quarter said they found their partner through a matchmaking app.

Just over twenty percent said they met their spouse through work and almost 10 percent at school. Nine percent said friends or family introduced them and 5 percent met at parties.

The government sees the survey results as a sign that social media is playing a bigger role in bringing young couples together.

Promoting safe matchmaking through social media is just one of the measures officials plan to discuss. They also aim to expand support for marriage counseling conducted by the private sector and local governments.

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