Labour needs a decade to rebuild Britain

Posted by EwokSuperPig___


  1. Original_Success3895 on

    So far Labour have announced we should prepare for
    continued austerity, called for further erosion of our privacy rights, made life harder for the transes, and been caught out engaged in cronyism.

    I’m squinting hard but all I’m seeing is a red Tory party and the continuation of our managed decline.

  2. EwokSuperPig___ on

    I understand the sentiment that Labour had done nothing yet and people feel hopeless but personally i think it’s a bit early and you have to be eager to damn this country based on 7 weeks where Parliament has been on summer break especially considering how well he dealt with riots. Although if they continue with austerity it will be difficult to vote for them again

  3. Delicious-Tree-6725 on

    I agree, I believe that if they do everything right, by 2030 we will start seeing some actual improvements.

  4. HotelPuzzleheaded654 on

    They won’t get 10 years unless they take a risk and invest in the country.

    There is no appetite for more austerity after 14 years.

  5. BigSargeEnergy on

    That’s nice and all, but Labour better hope they have something to show for all the ‘pain’ if they want a second term.

  6. Well they need to start sorting things out and be seen to be doing in about 6 months as thats all I think people will stand for.

    Come election time they need to have things looking a lot brighter and moving in the correct direction.

  7. Before anyone gets snarky, remember that the UK population handed the Conservative party the keys to the palace for 14 years during which they accrued a shining record of the following but not limited to:

    – Applying economic sanctions on the country (nice one)

    – Took free school meals away from *CHILDREN*, requiring a footballer to get involved

    – Managed the decline of government services, breaking NHS and Police thereby contributing to the brazen lawlessness and appalling wellbeing of populace we see today

    – Scrapped the only infrastructure project attempting to modernize British rail

    – Partied and got drunk while your nan died of Covid

    – Laughed at unions that were on the receiving end of Covid for asking for a raise

    – Crashed the economy and then had to replace PM who failed to outlast a lettuce

    But yes tell me how because Labour has not cured cancer and ended world hunger in 2 months, we’re all fucked.

  8. Healthy_Direction_18 on

    Have all the delusional young Redditors realised that nothing really changes despite the colour of Government? That fervent Labour enthusiasm doesn’t seem so rife now.

  9. shoogliestpeg on

    We told you they’d say this.

    And they’ll keep saying this long after a decade has passed, handy how they now have a free rhetorical pass to commit even more economic violence by austerity and privatisation and you’re only going to be hit with the “Tories made a mess” argument. Blaming the Last Government just like the Tories did for 14 years.

    This Labour government won’t last ten years anyway, Reform or someone of their ilk will promise the moon on a stick and people will vote for the Nazis. History repeats in times of such economic suffering and we haven’t even really had ecofascism bite yet with climate change.

  10. JimJonesdrinkkoolaid on

    I’m not sure how engaging in Austerity is likely to start creating the rebuilding of Britain.

  11. SumptuousRageBait1 on

    I’m not old enough to remember the last labour government in any meaningful way but honestly I’m shocked at how Orwellian they are.

    I really didn’t like the Tory clown show but I think this seems worse.

  12. PrestigiousGlove585 on

    Same old thing. No matter who is in power. We always “just need time”. Unless the U.K rolls out an AI god, a vaccine for ageing or cold fusion, we will still be struggling with the national debt and pensions in 10 years.

    Unless we are planning a cull, or global domination.

  13. JimJonesdrinkkoolaid on

    lAbOuR aRe jUsT pReTeNdInG tO hOlD tOrY lItE pOlIcIeS tO kEeP tHe rIgHt wInG pReSs oNbOaRd. oNcE tHeY gEt iN pOwEr tHeY’ll vEeR tO tHe lEfT, yOu wAtCh.

    >If you achieve the huge election mandate that polls are suggesting, will you be as bold as Attlee in 1945 or be locked into austerity-lite?

    >I’ll be as bold as Attlee. I ran a public service during austerity, I saw the impact of the Tories’ decisions. There will be no return to austerity with a Labour government. We’ll have a decade of national renewal instead, with ambitious investment and reform.

  14. Unfortunately I think we need to increase tax levels to Nordic levels.

    On face value people would freak out and be in uproar, but the amount of social equality it would allow for would be incredible.
    Universal basic income, free school meals, free higher education, free prescriptions, enough council housing stock, cheap reliable public transport etc.

  15. AonghusMacKilkenny on

    They’re making Blair’s ’97 government look like Bennites aren’t they?

  16. Mwanahabari-UK on

    Considering the damage they’ve done in 8 weeks, imagine how bad the country would be after 10 years of these clowns (not that the Tories would be any better).

  17. Auldgalivanter on

    Nah! its just a re-wording of the old “4year plan”comrade, then extended ad-infinitum to 5 etc,etc,etc.

  18. I’m not surprised Labour needs time to sort this Tory driven shit show of corruption out, but I don’t see how they’ll survive an election under austerity.

    And it’s hard to ignore the cracks appearing in Labours claims of clearing out the corruption, donors have been given jobs at 5x the pay of the amount they ever donated.

    And while I agree/like people being held accountable for what they say online, it’s a slippery slope & I’d like these things to be part of a wider agenda online targeting corporations etc and holding them to account for hovering up people’s data while not storing it adequately, inevitably for it to be stolen.

    I get so many Pwned alerts for my data being lost in hacks due to random companies I’d never even heard of, it’s wrong.

  19. Visual-Blackberry874 on

    And then the next government needs 10 years to “fix” the country and the cycle repeats, endlessly.

    This two party setup we are forced into is dull, boring and entirely undemocratic.

  20. Shout out to the Reddit crew who kept downvoting when I said Labour are just the less shit version.

    People banging on about how great Tony Blair was and that everything is the Tories fault. It’s both parties and I hope everyone sees that now.

  21. Image if governments were on the stock markets like a business , do you think shareholders would be happy 🤷.

  22. They’ve been in power a couple of months and the country has gone on fire twice. I don’t want another 6 months forget 10 years.

  23. All-Day-stoner on

    My god, the amount of cynicism in this sub is ridiculous!

    We’re the first country to ever impose economic sanctions on ourselves when we voted for Brexit and alongside countless other shit governance by the Tories.

    Do people think issues will be resolved within 7 weeks of a new government? Of course everything will take time!

  24. Spirited-Course5439 on

    Labour? Rebuild? 😂 😆 😂

    A Labour government is the final nail in the coffin. We will move even further to the left.

  25. The negative sentiment towards excessive immigration isn’t going away.

    If the ‘sensible’ parties don’t address it then we’ll end up with the less sensible party in power dealing with it.

  26. LostTheGameOfThrones on

    ITT people somehow being amazed that 14 years of destructive Tory rule can’t just be undone easily.

  27. Surely all rebuilding starts from the ground up? So shouldnt parliament be the first place to start austerity cost savings.
    I’m sure we can make a small fortune by hacking away all the Lords and ladies who have proved fruitless at stopping the last government nearly ruining everyone’s expenses enough that the whole country still faces austerity.
    Give wages and expenses back because they all failed their verbal and written contracts.

  28. We absolutely should hold Labour to account and call them out, even in the first few weeks. They shouldn’t get a free pass just because they’re ‘not the tories’.

    But it also seems obvious that something has to give. There’s no pain free way to make progress. There are going to be people hit not just by the ongoing effects of Tory mismanagement, but also from Labour decisions.

    I would like to think that the pain get placed on the shoulders of those most able to bear it. I would like to think that given their incredible majority that they have no excuses for not taking bold action and putting in place policies or projects that are radical, one way or another.

    It’s good to call them out on specific choices, and send up warnings when it seems a decision made was poorly judged or it’s consequences are going to hurt people not placed to avoid them.

    But it’s going to be a while before the effects start to be seen, and it’s a bit to early to make broad sweeping generalisations about any of it.

    We’re all worn out by the fatigue and misery the last few years of Tory rule have imposed, as leader after leader crash out, sleaze and corruption became rife and drama became louder than competence. I’m tired of drama.

  29. funkmasterslap on

    Jesus they haven’t been in power long, people have no patience.

    Sure they may not be great but give em time at least.

    And let’s be real any other alternative is a million times worse

  30. Well the British people that voted for Labour or sat at home deserve everything that’s coming.

  31. When it’s possible to fill in a massive chunk of the “black hole” quickly with drug reform and taxing the ultrarich, but they won’t do it because of “reasons”, things aren’t looking good for the future.

  32. Mammoth-Ad-562 on

    Anyone who believes in party politics will be putting out carrots for Rudolph at the end of the year.