Ukraine says it used its new long-range ‘Palianytsia’ rocket drone for the first time as it targets air bases deep inside Russia


  1. MyCatNeedsHelp207 on

    Is this gonna be another rocket Putin crys to China and India about? While his army uses Cluster munitions on civilians

  2. Ivebeenfurthereven on

    (Limited) info here

    I’d like to know how exactly a rocket-drone hybrid works – perhaps long range stealthy flight by turbojet, then a last minute sprint by rocket propellant to make it harder to shoot down? Just my guess as an uninvolved engineer with very limited weapon knowledge.

    Perhaps the most interesting thing on the stub Wiki article is this

    >The name Palianytsia is a shibboleth that has been used to unmask foreign agents in Ukraine’s armed forces, who are usually unable to pronounce the word correctly.[4][5]

    It seems that it’s a type of sourdough?

  3. ffdfawtreteraffds on

    I’m convinced that a robust long-range strike capability inside Russia will force Putin to downgrade hopes, goals and objectives.

    When now safe airfields are no longer safe, and delusional urban populations start losing power, and the negative consequences of this disaster can no longer be concealed, Putin will have to make compromises.

    I hope this is a real and soon to be readily available weapon. THIS can be a game-changer.