Manager says HSE recruitment is ‘like the Hunger Games’ with jobs disappearing and panels bypassed

Posted by OldMcGroin


  1. I know exactly how they feel. I invested all my points in cake decorating, and I have got nowhere with the HSE job interviews. It’s like they keep moving the goal-posts or something.

  2. Reasonable-Shop-9285 on

    This is so disheartening for everyone wanting to work at home. I’ve been on the look out to return home for a year and the state of the HSE hiring is so frustrating.

  3. I hope the unions take the HSE to court over this if it is true. If they have been using international candidates as a loophole to avoid the recruitment embargo they have surely broken EU hiring laws? 

  4. Inner-Astronomer-256 on

    This needs to be highlighted more and more and the public need to know.

    When you can’t get an appointment or you’re told a waiting list is years long, know it is because non-acute service is, in some cases, dependent on one clinician and as a human they get sick, burnt out or fed up and move to Australia.

    I can tell you of a service where consultants have retired, and have not been replaced, and one consultant is left to cover several counties’ worth of a service. This consultant recently got covid so no patients were seen while they recovered. 

    Clinicians go on mat leave and are not replaced for the duration. 

    Clinicians are made do their own admin as the HSE will not hire admin outside temporary agency – and for agency staff, who have fewer rights and cannot apply for loans etc turnover is high. This is a massive waste of clinical time. Contrary to what many think, good healthcare administration is important to prevent mix ups, and free up clinicians’ time. 

    They’ll be knocking on the doors soon for the next election and I would implore people to remember this. The HSE needs to honour panels, convert agency staff in cases where panels don’t exist, and plan for retirements. The reason our health service is poor is due to improper use of resourcing. 

  5. External-Chemical-71 on

    A very large arm of the civil service instructed it’s hiring managers to ignore Irish professionals and hire foreigners, not even in the state and requiring visa assistance in their place? This is way more serious than the way the story has been portrayed imho. The lunatics really are running the asylum.