Independence Now, and Then

Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square) in Kyiv today. The monument was unveiled in 2001 to commemorate Ukraine’s regained independence after the dissolution of the soviet union, whose policies had jailed or exiled hundreds of thousands and whose artificial famines and executions had murdered millions of Ukrainians.

Independence in 2014.

Independence in 2004. The \"Orange Revolution\": Ukrainians protested corruption of the presidential election.

Independence in 1990. \"The Revolution on Granite\" – thousands of students camped out on Independence Square – and tens of thousands of Ukrainians overall protested in opposition of the soviet regime. The students were on hunger strike for weeks.

Independence in Kyiv. \"No! To Soviet Union agreements!” \"Prisoners of the USSR\" \"Kravchuk & Fokin – do not sell us out!\" The march was joined by former prisoners of Magadan, which is another name for the Kolyma gulag system in russia. You may notice that there are numbers on their hats, and on their legs – these are their prisoner numbers in the gulag system.

Independence in 1917. Mykhailo Hrushevskyi tours a parade formation in Kyiv after the declaration of independence of the Ukrainian People’s Republic. Hrushevskyi was the first president of modern Ukraine.

Independence in 1918. bolshevik artillery struck a building near a gathering of the Central Rada in Kyiv after Ukraine’s declaration of independence.

Independence today. The same building that was bombed by russians in 1918 is now part of the Taras Shevchenko National University – and is still being bombed by russians. The building in the back, left, was the Central Rada building in 1918. The monument you see at center left, protected by sandbags, is a monument to Mykhailo Hrushevskyi.


The 913th day of a ten-year invasion that has been going on for centuries.

One day closer to victory.


6:01 AM; The Sun is Rising Over Kyiv on the 913th Day of the Full-Scale Invasion. Independence Day.
byu/duellingislands inukraine

Posted by duellingislands

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