Ukrainian forces reportedly carried out a successful cruise missile attack into Russia this evening. Local outlets report that a Ukrainian Neptune cruise missile hit a Russian ammunition dump in Ostrogozhsk, Voronezh Oblast with secondary explosions and fire seen nearby.


  1. Puma_The_Great on

    If it’s true, then they’re already testing neptune as an atacms substitute for strikes into russia.

  2. Elkenson_Sevven on

    It sounds to me like the modified Neptune missile manufacturing is coming along nicely. I think they will need to rename the land based variant. I vote for Mars Missile after the gawd of war.

  3. And how do they know it was a missile and not a drone or local sabotage? It looks like Russia has started to blame Neptune on everything.

  4. All that was unloading and stacking by hand for a massive cook off. It must’ve taken forever. Russian antiquated logistics. If it wasn’t serious for Ukraine, it would be laughable.