HS2 trains too high for station platforms – leaving taxpayers with £200m bill


Posted by Dry-Frosting1779


  1. Can’t read due to pay wall, but why am I paying for this? Surely if the trains were designed incorrectly then the contractor should fix it.

  2. BMW_I_use_indicators on

    It’s a bit like the T45 debacle, and it’s subsequently required Propulsion Improvement Plan to actually get what the original design promised.

    Trim the costs back so as to squeeze it under whatever the purse string holder has pulled out of their arse, saddle the recovery costs (next FY or even Contract) with another mug whilst you sit fat dumb and happy with your OBE.

  3. Anyone else get the feeling we’re getting fleeced through some sort of money laundering scheme, all that money gone with literally nothing to show for it and now this, or am I being too cynical here?
    I genuinely can’t trust anything they do anymore, our politicians.. Soooo many “schemes” over the years, in the guise of making things better for us at our expense and things just keep getting worse and worse and worse…

  4. I fail to see how designers fucking up the measurements is a problem for tax payers. Whoever made an arse if it should fix it at their own expense.

  5. Reported at costing some £78 Billion in 2019 before the election, then revised to £110 Billion by 2021? Surely something has gone wrong for there to be a £32 Billion pound difference between 2 years???