We are an international couple looking for a place to stay in or near Warsaw, esp one that has a nice private school for kids. I see a lot about Konstancin-Jeziorna, but it may seem a bit pretentious — what’s your impression of that neighborhood? What is it like to live there? Are there mid-range private schools for kids or is it only those expensive international schools? Google maps doesn’t really shed much light on what it’s like being there, so would be grateful for any local impressions. The official video doesn’t really say much… [edit: clarity]

Life in Konstancin-Jeziorna for a middle class international family?
byu/Teusz2021 inpoland

Posted by Teusz2021


  1. JoyfulJourneyer14 on

    “Are there movie theaters, family restaurants, etc? Or is it only for the rich?”

  2. Uh, you’d be better off asking in r/Polska or even on facebook if they have a page or something. Also if you are so concerned with the quality of a school, you’re better off searching in one of the major cities, because while you may find a pretty good *primary* school outside of one, it’s much harder with a secondary one