Azerbaijani language was one of the subjects in the curriculum since 1992. And now suddenly after 32 years they realize that, it was illegal. Wtf?
Responsible_Weekend4 on
Why is that? Why do you not respect the law and the constitution of the country you’re working? Disgusting, shameful and pathetic action by incompetent individuals!
Common_Brick_8222 on
I think it’s illegal
Fair-Deal-7075 on
Damn Armenia gets made fun of being a vassal state of Russia meanwhile Turkey just walked into AZ put up a school and just said we teaching our language without your say so.
PaganiniTheValiant on
It must be brought back into the curriculum.
kek_o_kedi on
I think its not real
Berat0-0 on
wtfis that even legal
TheReimor on
How’s that even legal? This supposed goddamn agreement which I assume they have signed in 1992 under yet another idiotic bullshit of Elchibey’s pro Turkish stance and should be ABSOLUTELY undeniably illegal today. Because the constitution that prohibits such a thing was adopted in 1995. 3 years after this school’s opening. I’m betting my money on this pre-constitution agreement went under the radar for 2 decades and avoided resigning.
I hope the court takes necessary action.
ZD_17 on
For those who are asking if this is legal. There are loads of private schools in Baku where language of tuition is English and they don’t have these subjects or at least don’t have them as compulsory subjects. This has always been the case, so these Turkish schools were actually an exception among international schools.
umidhasanov9292 on
Bu liseyin məzunuyam. Lisey anlayışı 9-12-ci sinifləri əhatə edən 4 illik müddət deməkdir. Liseyi bitirəndə həm Təhsil Nazirliyi, həm də MEB diplomu alınır. LİSEYə imtahanla qəbul olunur və çoxluq Azərbaycanlı tələbələrdir. Azərbaycan dili də, tarixi də, coğrafiyası da keçirilir. ilkokul və ortaokul isə birbaşa MEB-in kurasiyasındadır. Orda oxumaq üçün isə valideynlərdə ən azı biri Türkiyə vətəndaşı olmalıdır. Bu 92dən bəri belədir. Xəbər isə başdan ayağa click bait dir. İngilis dilində təhsil verən özəl məktəblərdə belə bu 3 fənn məcburidir.
Azerbaijani language was one of the subjects in the curriculum since 1992. And now suddenly after 32 years they realize that, it was illegal. Wtf?
Why is that? Why do you not respect the law and the constitution of the country you’re working? Disgusting, shameful and pathetic action by incompetent individuals!
I think it’s illegal
Damn Armenia gets made fun of being a vassal state of Russia meanwhile Turkey just walked into AZ put up a school and just said we teaching our language without your say so.
It must be brought back into the curriculum.
I think its not real
wtfis that even legal
How’s that even legal? This supposed goddamn agreement which I assume they have signed in 1992 under yet another idiotic bullshit of Elchibey’s pro Turkish stance and should be ABSOLUTELY undeniably illegal today. Because the constitution that prohibits such a thing was adopted in 1995. 3 years after this school’s opening. I’m betting my money on this pre-constitution agreement went under the radar for 2 decades and avoided resigning.
I hope the court takes necessary action.
For those who are asking if this is legal. There are loads of private schools in Baku where language of tuition is English and they don’t have these subjects or at least don’t have them as compulsory subjects. This has always been the case, so these Turkish schools were actually an exception among international schools.
Bu liseyin məzunuyam. Lisey anlayışı 9-12-ci sinifləri əhatə edən 4 illik müddət deməkdir. Liseyi bitirəndə həm Təhsil Nazirliyi, həm də MEB diplomu alınır. LİSEYə imtahanla qəbul olunur və çoxluq Azərbaycanlı tələbələrdir. Azərbaycan dili də, tarixi də, coğrafiyası da keçirilir. ilkokul və ortaokul isə birbaşa MEB-in kurasiyasındadır. Orda oxumaq üçün isə valideynlərdə ən azı biri Türkiyə vətəndaşı olmalıdır. Bu 92dən bəri belədir. Xəbər isə başdan ayağa click bait dir. İngilis dilində təhsil verən özəl məktəblərdə belə bu 3 fənn məcburidir.
Wtf. I don’t understand anything