No, this isn’t a parody. They’re 100% serious.

Posted by saggynaggy123


  1. amadan_an_iarthair on

    Apparently, he’s set up his own armed wing that’s peaceful but will use violence.  

     Maybe his ma drank heavily during pregnancy or something. 

  2. Odd_Glove7043 on

    Deranged alcoholic who’s having a mid life crisis, extremely horrible and nasty with his both “wives”, horrible father and fake Catholic.

  3. marquess_rostrevor on

    If there’s one thing I know, balaclavas (and whatever the thing on the right is) solve all problems.

  4. Cosplaying fucking losers.

    Justin and his ilk would be torn apart the second they tried to make some public protest. Not an unsatisfying mental image.

  5. Look we can all laugh and make fun of this knobhead but this shit is actually scary, there’s a lot more than think like him than we even realise I’d say.

  6. Annatastic6417 on

    Nothing to see here, just some “concerned citizens”.

    I told you we had a fascism problem.

  7. Lots of pisstaking going on here, but there needs to be some addressing of the issue too: that literal fucking neo Nazis now feel comfortable dressing up in uniforms and parading around on Irish streets.

  8. “You don’t have anything from the allied side?”

    “No, that sort of thing wouldn’t interest me at all.”

  9. Any_Comparison_3716 on

    Genuinely cannot understand how anyone, even die-hard swastika carrying nazis,could take Barrett seriously. 

     Look at the entirety of his political involvement he’s started groups, tanked them, tried to destroy anyone he’s been with. 

     It’s a case of a grandiose narcissist managing to take advantage of eejits. 

  10. Where does this guy even live? How does he have a life without everyone around him thinking he’s a complete looper? Imagine going into the pub at 10pm and he’s banging on the bar talking about the Nazi expeditions to Tibet.