State makes savings of €526m through reviewing welfare claims

Posted by badger-biscuits


  1. >The State has made savings of €526m through the review of more than 630,000 social welfare claims

    So, the state saves approximately €835 per reviewed welfare claim. That seems like a lot.

  2. I’d like to think this is good news but, having had family struggle to get into the system despite being in need, I find myself wondering how many of those claims were genuine and dismissed for spurious reasons.

  3. AdmiralRaspberry on

    Oh but how can it be?! When every person on the dole are truly frank with their claim?

    Now go back and do yearly reviews of social housing units as well that may fix our housing crisis 😉

  4. There’s people claiming job seekers who are working full time on building sites. So they are screwing the tax payer twice. Firstly claiming benefits they are not entitled too, secondly earning 5 or 600 quid a week without paying tax. Cunts pulling 700-800 a week with not a cent of Tax paid.

    I know a few lads still at it. It’s absolute madness.

    I’ve absolutely nothing against someone on job seekers, disability or other payments doing the odd few hours here and there but there’s people absolutely pulling the piss.

  5. Can’t read because of paywall.

    Does it say if any of the fraudulently claimed monies are to be paid back?

  6. The way they tabulated the figure for savings last time there was a similar announcement was by assuming that all spurious claims would otherwise have continued for several years.

    Would be interested to know if the same kind of tabulation is at play in this case

  7. You know, if we just adopted UBI this wouldn’t be a problem at all & we could save the whole expense of the department of social protection if we amalgamated what’s left with revenue. Have the money being paid in & paid out in the same place

  8. Hey, aren’t these control savings? As in, not actual savings, but a calculation of how much money would be lost if they didn’t have antifraud measures in place.

    The government release these figures every year in the middle of silly season when they know journalists aren’t paying attention and they’ll just wave the press release through without scrutiny. Honestly I don’t know why they wait til August as they get away with the same stunt every year

  9. This is a bit misleading, as the figure of €526m includes estimates of how much the state would have had to spend on social welfare in the future if they had no control measures in place at all.

    The actual amount of social welfare overpayment in 2023 was just under €18 million. This includes fraud, and human error on the part of the Department.

    [source ](