Astronomers think they’ve found a plausible explanation of the Wow! signal


  1. TLDR:

    > A team of astronomers think they might have [a better explanation](, according to [a preprint]( posted to the physics arXiv: clouds of atomic hydrogen that essentially act like a naturally occurring galactic [maser](, emitting a beam of intense microwave radiation when zapped by a flare from a passing magnetar.


    AKA really complex set of circumstances lead to a natural radio transmission.

    Personally, this sounds like a Men in Black explanation…

  2. PrinceEntrapto on

    This has been posted multiple times already and has been succinctly addressed by numerous qualified commenters; the proposal is a pre-print of a paper that has not yet been subjected to peer-review, and while the proposed explanation suggests it may be possible for strongly narrowband radio signals to occur in nature via excitation of hydrogen clouds, it fails to explain how exactly a signal matching all the parameters of Wow! could occur naturally through these processes

    I’m expecting this one will likely go the same direction of the double-comet hypothesis