Therefore, as people, as citizens, associations, as an initiative Javno Je Dobro, even as a party Javno Dobro, all of us who have been actively engaged in the preservation of the public and general good for years have decided to gather on Sunday, August 25, 2024. year in Suvaja, at the Una Spring at exactly noon. Coming from various parts of Croatia, our goal is to first of all support the local association Una, people who are fighting like lions and who managed to do an awful lot in a short time in the protection of nature and waters. Their goals to stop construction and cancel all permits for the Una hydroelectric power plant are also our goals, we try to help them with all our knowledge and experience.
Now is the time to meet and gather at the spring of Una. The time has come to tell each other what we know and what we still can and want to do. We invite all people of good will to join us on Sunday because this fight is not over, neither for Una, nor for many other similar places that are crying out for protection from lawlessness, favoritism, crime.
The public good is worth fighting for!
25.8.2024. – at 12:00 p.m., we will all go for a walk to the devastation from the parking lot “Zvor Una”. "project with valid building permits".
Posted by javnodobro
Planirate li skupljati potpise i referendumima promijeniti neke zakone kako bi se to spriječilo ubuduće?
Moram reći da sam ovu temu preskakao ovo ljeto, pa ako mi netko može reći na koji način bi hidroelektrana na Uni bila toliko drugačija, štetnija i nepotrebnija od svih ostalih hidroelektrana na raznim drugim hrvatskim rijekama?
A kad ste već politička stranka koja se zalaže za javno dobro, koji su vam još aktualni projekti zaštite hrvatske prirode za koje se aktivno zalažete?
Hidroelektrana na Uni sasvim sigurno nije jedina, a možda ni najteža prijetnja ekološkoj ravnoteži kod nas?