UK police arrest journalist Richard Medhurst under ‘Terrorism Act’

Posted by Working-Lifeguard587


  1. Original_Success3895 on

    This is what the British people voted for.

    More authoritarianism. More crackdowns on freedoms of speech. More silencing of voices on issues the Government finds uncomfortable.

    You had a choice of Red authoritarians or Blue authoritarians at the last election.

  2. External-Praline-451 on

    > Richard Medhurst was born in Damascus. He has a large following on X, hosts a weekly television program on Press TV, and regularly contributes to Russia Today (RT) and the Black Agenda Report.


  3. clydewoodforest on

    A glance through the guy’s twitter account shows him to be a virulently anti-semitic Hamas apologist, and bonus pro-Putin. But that probably describes half of twitter. I wonder what he did to come on the police radar.

    (He seems to have no tweets at all in the two weeks following Oct 7th. Most strange, from such a passionate supporter. Or perhaps he felt the need to delete them?)

  4. > The Cradle contributor Kit Klarenberg and Vanessa Beeley, who is well known for her reporting from Syria during the US and Israeli-backed regime change war.

    Obama giving Obama a medal.jpg

  5. AnalThermometer on

    The UK does have a history of arresting journalists under this law (moreso than even China), but some are exempt from it. He should’ve known you need to work for the Daily Mail, Telegraph, Guardian, etc. if you want to write in support of Hamas or Russian oligarchs.

  6. Low quality bait. Just because one is a journalist doesn’t mean he is above the law.

  7. AMidsummerNightCream on

    I think it’s generally best to take people at face value without accusing them of being foreign agents or mercenaries. But this guy is 100% an IRGC asset lol. Like just an incredibly obvious spook.

  8. Freedom of speech doesnt mean freedom from consequences. Im sure he did something that deserved this. Also:

    Why should I care if he’s a journalist? I work in IT, should I get less protections than him?
    Why do they put Terrorism Act in quotes as if someone made it up?

    Edit: someone will downvote me and complain that critisizing Israel is legigimate speech – I just dont care. Welcome to police state Britain.

  9. Odd_Land_2383 on

    What did he expect the British gov to do lol the British gov just eat sausages all day and pork and scratch their lil ass hole while drinking tea🤮

  10. Richard Medhurst has tweets supporting Hamas use of Child Soldiers, [Here](

    He has tweets in support of Hamas,PIJ and Hezbollah attacks on Israel, [Here](

    As well as tweets in support of the armed wing of Fatah, [Here](

    And more tweets legitimating Hamas, [Here](

    He also expresses support for the Houthis, [Here](

    He also tweets comparing modern Germany to Nazi Germany, [Here]( and [Here](

    This man is a member of the [5th Column](, not a journalist. If this man is not payed by the Pasdaran I’d be very surprised.

  11. Praetorian_1975 on

    I guess those disclaimers they stared sticking on everything was about as much use as a wet spaghetti bullet proof vest then 😂

  12. If he’s affiliated with RT then I suspect he’s right to be questioned. RT is a state puppet for Russia. No one of any moral standing would contribute to it.

  13. Popular-Medium3852 on

    Wow . He’s always been creepy and opinionated but terrorism , that’s surprising