Princess Slaughter never would hurt a fly, them kids must have rilled him up!
CoastinAlong on
Don’t be angry at poor little faceshredder, she was only tying to show her owner some love by rearranging his face
Aflyingmongoose on
I’ll always be the first to defend dogs, and say that bad behavior is often the result of poor training…
But the truth is these dogs are just born killers. Even with the best training in the world, some of them are occasionally going to break into natural instincts, with deadly consequences when they do.
seashawtys on
Confiscate and euthanise them all. If the owners love dogs so much, they should get one that isn’t *literally* bred for maximum aggression.
Nulibru on
About fucking time!
They don’t give a shit about the risk to others. Maybe they’ll wise up now.
Nulibru on
“Mr Daintree’s family were being supported by specialist officers”
Won’t even get a Darwin award.
CinnamonBlue on
Not a nice way to die but owners take and accept the risks their dogs could turn on them, unlike someone who happened to be around when the dog attacks and is killed.
Other-Visual8290 on
The XL Bully was set to go to XL Bully university too, so sad he made a tragic mistake so close to freshers
delomelanicon-71X on
Can’t be bothered to raise a dog properly? Fine. You deserve a chihuahua, not a pitbull.
Pitbulls and all large aggressive breeds need the same ownership permit as owning a large cat like a jaguar or panther.
honkymotherfucker1 on
Every single day we have one of these headlines since the ban, I wonder how many went unreported? Why do people think these things are fucking safe lol if everyday a family were killed by a particular brand of toaster blowing up in their face they’d be gone in a week across the country?
Getting torn to pieces by a massive dog? Not mine! Wouldn’t hurt a fly!
Princess Slaughter never would hurt a fly, them kids must have rilled him up!
Don’t be angry at poor little faceshredder, she was only tying to show her owner some love by rearranging his face
I’ll always be the first to defend dogs, and say that bad behavior is often the result of poor training…
But the truth is these dogs are just born killers. Even with the best training in the world, some of them are occasionally going to break into natural instincts, with deadly consequences when they do.
Confiscate and euthanise them all. If the owners love dogs so much, they should get one that isn’t *literally* bred for maximum aggression.
About fucking time!
They don’t give a shit about the risk to others. Maybe they’ll wise up now.
“Mr Daintree’s family were being supported by specialist officers”
Won’t even get a Darwin award.
Not a nice way to die but owners take and accept the risks their dogs could turn on them, unlike someone who happened to be around when the dog attacks and is killed.
The XL Bully was set to go to XL Bully university too, so sad he made a tragic mistake so close to freshers
Can’t be bothered to raise a dog properly? Fine. You deserve a chihuahua, not a pitbull.
Pitbulls and all large aggressive breeds need the same ownership permit as owning a large cat like a jaguar or panther.
Every single day we have one of these headlines since the ban, I wonder how many went unreported? Why do people think these things are fucking safe lol if everyday a family were killed by a particular brand of toaster blowing up in their face they’d be gone in a week across the country?
Getting torn to pieces by a massive dog? Not mine! Wouldn’t hurt a fly!