I don’t know if I’m just looking back with rose-tinted specs, or maybe it’s recency bias, but it certainly seems that knife attacks on children are becoming more and more prevalent, attacks carried out by children and adults alike.
denyer-no1-fan on
The commonality between these attacks is they are all committed by men, especially young men, and against girls. Maybe the government treating extreme misogyny the way they treat other forms of extremism is the correct move. Hopefully they can yield some result before the end of the Parliament.
Original_Success3895 on
What the flipping pancakes is wrong with this country???
The police need to release information on whoever is responsible ASAP.
[deleted] on
tony23delta on
Oh man, this is awful 😬
Is this something that is happening more frequently now?
Or is it a case of things like this are being reported more and making it into the various mainstream media reports?
Qyro on
Wait, why are so many young men stabbing little girls? What’s going on here?
Broccoli--Enthusiast on
9…how do you stab a 9 year old…you need to be absolutely mentally vacant. Or just pure evil
Throw away the fucking key, you can’t rehabilitate that.
I don’t know if I’m just looking back with rose-tinted specs, or maybe it’s recency bias, but it certainly seems that knife attacks on children are becoming more and more prevalent, attacks carried out by children and adults alike.
The commonality between these attacks is they are all committed by men, especially young men, and against girls. Maybe the government treating extreme misogyny the way they treat other forms of extremism is the correct move. Hopefully they can yield some result before the end of the Parliament.
What the flipping pancakes is wrong with this country???
The police need to release information on whoever is responsible ASAP.
Oh man, this is awful 😬
Is this something that is happening more frequently now?
Or is it a case of things like this are being reported more and making it into the various mainstream media reports?
Wait, why are so many young men stabbing little girls? What’s going on here?
9…how do you stab a 9 year old…you need to be absolutely mentally vacant. Or just pure evil
Throw away the fucking key, you can’t rehabilitate that.