1. Article is titled *Massive Fire Erupts On Soviet Aircraft Carrier Docked In China’s Yangtze River*

    The highlight is:

    > The Minsk, a Kiev-class carrier, was built in 1978 in Mykolaiv for the Soviet Navy. After serving in the Cold War, it was decommissioned in 1993 and sold to Daewoo Heavy Industries of South Korea in 1995.

    > Though initially scheduled for scrapping, the carrier was sold again to a Chinese firm, where it was transformed into a military theme park centerpiece in Shenzhen, known as Minsk World.
    > Despite plans to repurpose the ship as a tourist attraction, the park closed in 2016 due to low ticket sales. The Minsk was eventually transported to Nantong, Jiangsu province, where it had been anchored in a lagoon for the past six years.

    Not sure what a derelict floating theme park on fire half the world away has to do with the conflict other than it was made in the former Soviet Union

  2. Don’t get overly excited, everyone. This was a regular occurrence pre-war as well.

    Also it used mazut as fuel, so it smokes a lot just under way. You can’t sometimes tell if it’s on fire or just … moving.

  3. Global-Operation-238 on

    Aircraft carriers can’t fall out of windows, so they have smoking accidents. Nothing to see here, everything’s under control.

  4. Different-Brain-9210 on

    Russian? More like Soviet. Or Ukrainian, as that’s where it was built!

    But really, at this point in time it is Chinese ex-amusement park on fire.

  5. SomethingIWontRegret on

    It hasn’t been Russian since 1995. It’s a floating derelict theme park and the engines probably don’t work.

  6. Now we’re talking – can’t wait for the documentary! Do what you need to do to do lads

  7. Item was sold to China years ago and the news is few days old. That’s a museum atm.

  8. Independent-Chair-27 on

    This is the old carriers that carried Yak 38s. Decommissioned in 1990s.

    Not really related atall to Admiral Kuznetzov.

  9. Donate to Ukraine, pack it with explosives, make it remote controlled and ram it into a Russian target. Slava Ukraine! Will make for the biggest non- nuclear fireball visible even from inside Putin’s bunker in Moscow.

  10. Arctic_Chilean on

    Look, I don’t support Russia or China, but tying this to the conflict or a “poor state of Russian equipment” is quite disingenuous at best. This was a derelict, abandoned and non-operational carrier, stuck in an artificial lagoon and used as a theme park before being abandoned. It was only a matter of time before it suffered some kind of damage, and at this stage, it might have even been deliberate as for the owner to find a way to rid themselves of this white elephant.

    That carrier deserved better, a proper restoration to museum piece status, but was abandoned and had zero military use of value other than being a potential recruitment tool.

  11. it was decommissioned 30 years ago and converted into a theme park that closed down. So, I would call that an intentionally misleading headline.


    Just Normal Operating Procedure for Russian Aircraft Carriers. Nothing to see here folks.🤣😂🤣

  13. Creepy_Chef_5796 on

    Show me an insurance job without saying it’s an insurance job.

    edited because I spell at 2nd grade level

  14. I went on board that ship about 15 years ago in Shenzen, China. It was pretty cool. It even had the taxiidermied remains of the first dog in space