Two idiots with an above average IQ met and they put it on some committees and committees!! I could feel Caragiale twisting in his grave, he never thought he would get to this level!
He said he discussed with Ciolacu “the need to mitigate these discussions and disputes that now exist in the public space in terms of the credibility of the health system in general and in terms of the credibility of the services provided by St. Pantelimon Hospital”. and we have taken the first steps to contact the European Society of Anesthesia – Intensive Care and the World Society of ATI so that we can carry out an independent professional medical audit of the things that happened at the Pantelimon Hospital”, announced the Minister of Health.
So I’m going with the option of the doctors who support the two suspects, let’s leave it at that, let’s get to work and let’s leave the public pressure… Yeah, right! I hope you realize you just added fuel to the fire…
And they think, in their single-cell amoeba stupidity, that while there is a pending criminal investigation, to do an external audit… Wow… And what will happen if what the audit reveals is in total contradiction with those revealed by the investigation??
Are these people even trying to think or are they just talking nonsense??
Posted by Leading_Bison_5948
doar speram…
ar trebui sa pui nsfw tag can sunt poze cu fese si anusi explicite
Mai pe scurt: *Eforturi maxime pentru băgat pumnul în gură la sclavi. Ce spitale? Noi oricum mergem la Viena pentru tratamente*.
Atâta incompetență È™i nepăsare…Totul pentru niÈ™te bani pe care nu au timp sa-i cheltuiască în 3 vieÈ›i.
Un personaj sinistru, fiu de tortionar securist ajuns mare ministru. Asa tata asa fiu, tasu a omorat si torturat doar vreo 50, asta ne fute pe toti la un moment dat. Ii doresc sa sufere ca victimele lui taicasu. O mizerie de om, si gandacii de bucatarie au mai mult respect din partea mea.
Daca trebuie sa vina altii sa isi dea seama ce s-a intamplat, inseamna ca tu nu ai ce cauta in funcția aia.
El a trimis deja corpul de control cu câteva săptămâni inainte si nu au gasit nimic greșit.
Majoritatea politicienilor ar fi in stare sa dea foc la intreaga tara ca sa conduca un morman de cenusa.