I haven’t posted any ads for a long time and a little while ago I wanted to post an ad and they want me to pay so that the ad will be published immediately (and not in 4 days). This reminds me of those Fremium games or roblox with these points. What do you think about this? Are you okay with this? It wasn’t like this before and you could set everything normally, the only thing that disappointed me was how low they go to get the last steam out of you…


Posted by Head-Medicine9454


  1. Ja svaki put kad narucim dostavu preko korpe dobijem 5KM tih kredita. Takodjer kad god sam nesto narucio sa onom njihovom olx dostavom sam dobio 10 kredita.
    Mene samo zanima kako su oni zaradjivali prije toga, nije valjda samo od onih oglasa sa strane?

  2. Vidiš, u svijetu ima nešto što se zove “enshittification” – u biti servisi koje voliš postaju gori, ali to nije sve! Te usluge postaju skuplje. Ono jebu te sa obadvije strane. Ugl. kako je OLX Grupa naredila, tako će biti jer oni hoće da zadovolje investitore, boli ih kurac za nas.