Why NASA does space science and not the private sector



  1. Expensive_Cat_9387 on

    While SpaceX and Blue Origin are launching rockets like it’s a cosmic party, NASA’s playing the long game with space science that doesn’t always have an immediate payoff. It’s fascinating how NASA’s “space science” is more about the journey of discovery rather than a marketable product, which is why the private sector isn’t as keen on funding these open-ended quests. Props to NASA for being the OG space explorer, tackling the big questions about our universe that might not have immediate commercial value but could revolutionize our understanding of everything.

  2. Companies exist to make profit. And NASA makes the science of space a public endeavor, therefore it is not in their best interest to repeat it.

    What companies will do is take that science and make it easier and more profitable to go into space, IF they can make a profit.

  3. noneofatyourbusiness on

    It is arguable that the private sector IS DOING space science. But, let’s assume they aren’t.

    Originally the goal (moonshot) was so expensive the private sector could not do it.

    Now, the research that NASA does is pure science and has no immediate profit motive. The private sector cannot survive without profits.

  4. The private sector and other “interesting” countries are indeed also doing a form of space science the result of which is a proliferation of space junk and debris which limits the ability to safely send astronaut-populated space vessels up there, and impedes the ability of astronomers to see things through telescopes.

    At some point in the future, the risk of sending humans past all this debris, won’t be worth the risk, so yeah the private sector is already there…

  5. NASA has been around for a long time (1958), decades before the private sector would have had the capability to do significant space science. And NASA wasn’t even the first governmental body to be engaged in space research in the USA, as the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics NACA began their work all the way back in 1915. 

  6. Concentrati0n on

    I’m pretty sure NASA submits patents that companies license/use for profit, which is a hidden benefit to continued funding.

    I’m sure if we put up how much the economy has made due to their inventions, it would shut a lot of people up who want to cut their funding.

  7. Jump_Like_A_Willys on

    Because research is expensive and is something governments can do to spur on the private sector to eventually turning that R&D into something marketable. NASA has a huge research arm (especially in the field of aeronautics) that uses much of its budget.

    The National Science Foundation and the National Institute for Health are similar in that respect. They are all government research agencies who use tax money to provide the expensive research, then make the findings available to the private sector.

  8. Inevitable_Bunch5874 on

    …because their budget is relatively limitless and they are accountable to nobody.

  9. Reddit-runner on

    Better title:

    **Why government research agencies really should not be in the trucking industry.**

    Imagine a medical research center operating a completely bespoken fleet of trucks to send out experimental drugs a few times a year. Everyone would be quick to point out that commercial shipping companies exist. Utilizing them would lower the cost of shipping dramatically, leaving far more budget for the actual science and research.

  10. If you check the history of of NASA, it started as a pure research arm helping the advancement of aviation. NACA did a lot of breakthrough research that was then shared only with US aviation companies. If a private company does the reaearch, it ends up patented and then costs money for others to use that advancement. When the government funds the research, the resulting data can be shared without charge because the taxes, presumably, paid for the data. It helped the nation stay ahead of competing nations.

    Long before Space X was trying to land rockets on feet on earth, NASA did a bunch of research into this and all this data was available to Space X.

    So pure research that benefits US companies is the original purpose of NASA. It’s still doing mostly pure research into the practical problems in aviation and pace propulsion. The discoveries are supposed to help US Companies stay ahead of non-US companies.

  11. Apprehensive-Care20z on

    NASA provides a great deal of funding for the private sector.

    NASA creates a long term vision plan (in many specific fields), and then produces research goals on how to achieve that plan. Then it provides solicitations outlining specific research goals. Private companies (and universities as well) then compete for the funding.

    It is insanely competitive. Which is one way NASA ensures quality research is done.

    To learn more about NASA’s budget, this looks like a good article with lots of information.


  12. sharty_mcstoolpants on

    Look up “Project OPERA” to see how NASA Earth science will change your life.

  13. Because if they didn’t confiscate your taxes at gunpoint, nobody would pay for any of this giant P.R. boondoggle.

  14. Private sector should NOT be in control over common goods stuff. That we allowed them to take it is an error that needs to be rectified.
    Post, public transport, infrastructure etc. The past has shown that the invisible hand of the market will cause major enshittiicatio and rising prices. It does NOT lead to the most efficient, reliable, and cheap versions. We were very wrong about that.