So I’m not talking about platforms like Upwork, but companies that don’t have headquarters in MK, and yet their workplace type is Remote and they don’t hire me for a certain period, but I’m “employed” by them (right without experience, pension, healthcare). only with salary and personal tax. One example of such a company is [Scandiweb]( \- no matter where you are from, you can get a job, regardless of whether the company has its headquarters in that country. Any other companies like this?каде_наоѓате_фриленс_работа/
Posted by Puzzleheaded-Ebb-135
Ако си со искуство во финансии/сметководство и го владееш англискиот повели
I jas go baram istoto. Nemora ni da se firmi, moze da e samo nekoj tim sto faka pogolemi proekti na podolgo vreme. Kako sto znam ima timovi/firmi koj fakat pogolemi freelance proekti i gi rabotat nekolku godini. Na upwork najcesto se mali zadaci ili proekti koj traat eden-dva meseci..