Masi backs People Before Profit bill to give asylum seekers the right to work immediately

Posted by turbo_christ5000


  1. Pouring petrol on the fire. A large proportion of asylum applicants won’t be genuine and will use this system to bypass working visa requirements.

    It will also lead to a massive new surge in applicants. We know this because this is exactly what happened in 2002 / 2003 .

  2. Practically sounds like a terrible idea. If you’ve zero grounds for asylum, zero intention of staying why wouldn’t you give Ireland a shot for 6 months (or however long it takes your case to be decided) just to earn a bit of cash.

    Sure there’s difficulties getting here but it seems like this would put pressure on an asylum system already creaking.

  3. dublinjobuddies on

    ‘Mfaco and Murphy both rejected the idea that removing barriers that give people the right to work would be a “pull-factor” for more people to seek asylum in Ireland.

    “All the evidence suggests that people seeking asylum are driven by push rather than pull factors,” Murphy said.’

    Suggested evidence…. What is that? Sounds weak…

  4. Strict-Gap9062 on

    Sweet Jesus. It should be the complete opposite.
    No right to work until you have been granted the right to stay.

  5. Strict-Gap9062 on

    All the evidence suggests the people are driven by push factors rather than pull factors according to Paul. Ofc they will tell you that.

    When supports for Ukranians were reduced the numbers coming here dropped off the face of a cliff. Reducing their social to the same as refugees if in state provided accommodation will have a similar result. They are coming here because we have zero deportation. They come here because of our generous social supports. They don’t get pushed half way across the world past numerous safe countries to little old Ireland for no reason.

  6. MASI which is the movement of Asylum seekers in Ireland was founded by a lad who was served with a deportation order to leave the state and never did. Another NGO goon

  7. RandomUsername600 on

    That would encourage people to come to Ireland for asylum rather than other countries

  8. TheStoicNihilist on

    Well this totally won’t be used by the far-right to drum up their flock into a frenzy.

  9. It’s mad how asylum seekers are simultaneously spongers who don’t want to work, but we also can’t let them work for… reasons?

    And no, we’ve been trying to make it so horrible to seek asylum here that they won’t come for near 30 years and it never worked.

  10. eggsbenedict17 on

    Why do the morons in PBP get so much coverage, they are idiots with minimal public support

  11. strictnaturereserve on

    “We want a state ideally that cherishes all children and does not draw a distinction on the basis of where the child comes from or their immigration status in the country,”

    Asylum seekers are not immigrants.

  12. Zipzapzipzapzipzap on

    People in this sub just can’t stop moving the goalposts. I thought people’s problem was with those coming and contributing? Now we’re complaining that people want to work?

  13. originalface1 on

    It’s hilarious seeing people complain about immigration and asylum seekers, everyone wants to benefit from a hierarchal capitalist society but no one wants to deal with the natural problem that eventually the people at the bottom will want to climb the ladder, you can’t have it both ways.

  14. AnT-aingealDhorcha40 on

    Nothing wrong with more workers if they want to work then let them. I’m all for it.

  15. Additional_Olive3318 on

    They should really rename themselves to profit before people (already here). 

  16. shellakabookie on

    “The latest figures show that 2,462 people seeking asylum in Ireland are currently without accommodation in the state. These adult individuals are given a higher rate of €113.80 a week by the state.”
    Just a query,Are these people homeless and on the streets?

  17. ResponsibleTrain1059 on

    Nothing says People before Profit quite like -*checks notes*- exploiting asylum seekers for cheap labour.

  18. I’m a far left socialist but I really do not understand the level to which PBP and others have gone in the effort to turn the migration question into a sort of racial justice issue. Giving asylum seekers the right to work, let alone as soon as they arrive, is utter insanity. I think a policy of pursuing an immediate Bolshevik armed revolution would be more workable tbh.

  19. MrStarGazer09 on

    Great idea…highest applications per capita in the EU in May. Between March 2023 and 2024, the EU had a 12% reduction in applications while in the same time there was a 113% increase.

    Countries literally make people wait to work to deter economic migrants from abusing the system. That’s literally the reason for it and yet these idiots want to get rid of it and create yet another massive pull factor 🙄

  20. furry_simulation on

    > Mfaco and Murphy both rejected the idea that removing barriers that give people the right to work would be a “pull-factor” for more people to seek asylum in Ireland.

    Proof, as if any is needed, that these people are certifiably insane.

    What they are proposing would be the most generous system of any high income country on the planet. A de facto open borders policy where any randomer can rock up, mouth the word “asylum” and be handed a work permit along with free accommodation, supports and full access to healthcare and education.

    These fuckers won’t stop until the entire country is a shanty town.

  21. This means we have an open border.  Spend money and/or change the laws to process asylum seekers more quickly.  This should be priority.